that one girl who never stops laughing profile picture

that one girl who never stops laughing

I am here for Friends

About Me

Well i just have sooooooo much to say about myself. I mean if you knew me you would love me. J/K. im just not into myself all that much. I have six brothers and two sisters and with me we are nine all together. I know its crayzy. Im a very accepting person but i can not stand stupid people or anyone who acts like a two year old. I am a straight forward person and at times i may be a little to honest. My life is not exciting but life sucks and im just ot lazy to do anythign about it.

My Interests

Art, lots and lots of art. Most of what I do is draw but i love to take pics and paint and all kinds of junk. Having time to myself to just sit and think about everything and just not have to worry about anything. Oh and i guess i like hanging out with my friends, depending on if i feel like putting up with people or not.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone worth talking to. If someone has somthing to say and they are not just blowing smoke out of their ass. Then i will listen and get along with them pretty well


I will listen to anything. This way i dont have to deal with people's ness and i can just be there.


Whatever i feel like watching. Crash is my faverit movie and i reccomend it to anyone who can keep up with a bunch of shit thrown at you at once.


What ever is on im usually fighting for the remot so i will give up and let my little brothers watch cartoons all day.


Anything. Im not gonna lie and say that i love to read but i am getting into reading more. At the moment i have no preferences.


My mom. Even though she is crazy and i think she needs mental help, everything she has done has been for me and my brothers. She came form mexico with no money all alone and now she has given my family a house and she is supporting all of us in what our plans for the rest of our lives. I am proud to have her as my mother.