i'M s0o0o0o daMn inTeresTed iN waTchinG pe0pLe maKinG 0uT in fr0nT 0f Me! =)
f0o sh0o i'd Lyk t0 mEet JameS LafFErtY,m0i fuTurE hUsbAnd! =) &s0mE shiTty fRienDS wh0m i Can giVe a FucK! =)
ac0uStic...ac0uStic...ac0usTic.... did I mentI0n ac0ustiC?!
aNythIng tHat is TragiC c0z i Sure waNt my LiFe t0 eNd thAt wAy! - - uh huh!
i LikE waTchin' FrEaky sh0ws tHAT cAn maKE mE buRp 0uT 0f diSguST! =(
tHe c0unT 0f M0ntE crIst0....
i Am mY 0wN her0....nAh! =)