WARNING: this isn't a fake profile, we really are this hot.
we are in desperate need of a benefactor SLASH father figure to fund ggpv activities! inquire within.
LOVES sarah being hare krishna, loves sheal being the messiah, loves veronica being a time traveler, starting everything with the word "loves," diet sparks, black sparks, free drinks, free drinks from creepy guys, sketchy parties where the host makes you do blow + make art but not do either, lord of the rings, lord of the rings stoned, schmedrick from the last unicorn, the old lady from the last unicorn, underworld, running to see underworld 2 after renting underworld from reel life, arcade galaga, tabletop galaga, abbrevs, shabu-shabu, dropping forks in your shabu, unreservations @ caravan of dreams, free yoga lessons, elvis + free flowers from delis, darnell robinson, ligers, jaguons, aquapipes, hispanic jesuses, drink tickets, loves sheal being from the block like j-lo but sheal-o, dojo's, psychedelic frogs, techno parties, pot brownies, drinking full bottles of codeine cough syrup, people asking if they can inject dope into your buttcheeks at goth night, quests to destroy the ring, getting lost in the meatpacking district, spandex from american apparel, alex + chloe, fake fur, vegans who wear furs, broken moccasins, boots, wealthy benefactors, father figures, zen on st. marks, crackhead makeup, peeing on the carpet at bang, peeing on the streets, classy behavior, being banned, don hill's as our mom, fake eating disorders, not murderville, "teaching mrs. tingle," "the faculty," weed, barcade, stalking, lurking, sex parties with heidi & bronques at hotel 17 without having actual sex w/ anyone at those parties, gremlin killing, not nylon models, not waiting in line, not the don hill's door guy, hanging jury in la, don devore, corpse paint, meeting guys at hardcore shows, guys from philly and the midwest, meeting people whilst waiting in line for some lame afi event, really loves being creepy, really bad movies, faggots, aids, lawyers, knowing who our fathers are, fathers who are lawyers, being young + rich + pretty, photoshopping ourselves together, marijuana, cheese from vegas, brie, monchego, guacamole, eating juxtaposed w/ anorexia, smoking up while watching sleepover + running to mcd's for ice cream, techno party dancing, 15 year olds at warped tour, beards and not the facial kind..