Claire Isabel © profile picture

Claire Isabel ©

Each friend represents a world to us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by

About Me

Firstly, I want to say - Don't be Shallow and Judge me, until you have actually taken the time to get to know me...
I was born Premature in 1976 & was a Miracle baby for my parents - although, I nearly killed my Mum in the process. She suffered from Pre Eclampsia. So, we are both lucky to be even alive today. I grew up as an Only Child & have always been extremely close to my Mum. I honestly can't imagine life without her. (I'm not as close to my Dad). I spent my First 18 years living on a Beef Cattle Farm (Ranch), near the Coast, towards the very bottom tip, in the South Eastern part of Australia - so I am a Country Girl & NO! I am not a Country Hick! (I also spent a lot of time when I was growing up, in the City of Melbourne with my Relatives.)
[*The Red Dot stands for the Town I grew up in]
In 1992, my Penfriend, Elena Past, came from Texas, to stay with my Family for 3 months (her Summer Break) and went to High School with me. We had an amazing time, but that was not the end of it... In December 1993, I Graduated from High School and was accepted into University. I deferred my Uni studies for a year, and in March 1994, left Australia & went to Beeville, Texas to stay with Elena & her Family. It was pretty scarey flying all that way by myself, as a 17 year old! But, it was probably some of the best 6 months of my life. I went to AC Jones High School with Elena, who was in her last months as a Senior - but I did not have to officially submit any work - how good was that!? I was not placed "Officially" in any Grade Level, so I was in Classes with people who were Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores & Freshman. School life there was VERY different compared to Australia! I will never forget all the people I met & the experiences I had! Some people I met became very good friends & I will always be grateful for how welcome they made me feel. As for the Past Familia - they will forever be very important people in my life. They took me all over Texas, to New Mexico & Nuevo Laredo (Mexico). They gave me more experiences than I could have ever imagined. I found it very difficult to adjust when I first came back to Australia... For one, I left in August - Texas Heat & arrived home to a Very Cold Melbourne Winter! But, the thing I found hardest was having just left Beeville! It was a new life I had made there & it all had to come to an end... Apart from seeing my Family, I really did not want to come back to Australia! Most people from Texas, would probably think I was strange for missing Beeville, but it was a lot bigger place than the area I came from in Australia & you try living in a Foreign Country at that age & you might not want to leave either! I have been wanting to go back & visit Texas ever since I came back home, but circumstances have not let that happen YET!!!*I emphasise the word YET!*
In March 1995, I started my University Years! I lived on-campus at the Uni & had some crazy years! Maybe too much partying & socialising & not enough studying!! I met so many people during those years - both from Australia & Overseas & I miss my Uni days a lot! Real Life is NEVER the same! I graduated in December 1999 - I have a Double Degree & I am a qualified Primary (Elementary) School Teacher. Unfortunately, I am not working at the moment, for Health reasons, but I am currently doing Post Graduate University Studies in TESOL. When I finish, I will be qualified to teach ESL (English as a Second Language)Students. That is something I have really wanted to do since I saw Mrs. Past teaching her ESL Students & was inspired. I have lived in Melbourne (The Capital City of the State of Victoria) since 2001 - I love living in the City, but I do miss the Clean Country Air, the open spaces, the lack of traffic noise & being able to listen to music as loud as I like, whenever I like! Oh & I miss my Mum a lot! hehe.
What the Future holds for me, only God knows... (He has obviously kept me here for a reason!) But, I hope to get married, have children and I want to do a lot more Overseas travel - even possibly some ESL Teaching O/S. At present, I am just taking each day as it comes...
Thankyou will never be enough to say, to My Family & Closest Friends... I honestly don't think I would have had the strength & the will to get through the past few years & still be here, without their ongoing daily love, support, understanding & affirmations... *hugs*
My Personality is like a Cocktail!
I am a Complex & Unique Person...
Some of the Ingredients [Characteristics] that make Claire:
Addictive, Affectionate, Anxious, Bossy, Creative, Emotional, Empathetic, Flirtatious, TOO Generous, Honest, Impatient, Inquisitive, Intelligent, Intuitive, Moody, Obsessive, Open-Minded, Perceptive, Perfectionist, Procrastinator, Self-Aware, Self-Indulgent, Self-Reliant, Sensitive, Sensual, Sentimental, Sociable, Spontaneous, Stubborn, TOO Trusting *grrr*, Young at Heart.
*By the way, the pics above are Elena Past (on the left) & I (on the right) in Texas in 1994. (So, yes, I was only 18 in the pic!)* I have that pic here, cos then it's easier for people from Beeville to remember who I am. (The reason I am making crazy faces in the last 2, was there was a Guy outside the Photo Booth Curtain, who was deliberately saying things to make me laugh!)

Melbourne - Australia

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Beeville, Texas 78102

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My Interests

Profile is receiving a total Makeover!
Come back again soon & it should be finished!:)



[ME AS OF MAY 4TH 2007]


I have lots of diverse Interests! I will just list some of the things I like and like doing, otherwise I could fill the profile!

Reading, Books, Magazines, Sport, Soccer, Calcio, Futbol, Listening to Music, Art, Design, Being Creative, Absolut Vodka Advertising, Meeting People, Spending time with Friends, Talking, Writing, Internet, Postal Mail, Talking on the Phone, SMS', UK Telephone Booths, Flirting, Vespas, History, Travel, Cultures, Languages, Italian, Spanish, Texas, ALL things Italia, The Camorra, La Cosa Nostra, Ndrangheta, Sacra Corona Unita, Italian Mafia, Multiculturalism, Cuisine from different Cultures, Cupcakes, Beverages, Cocktails, Midori, Coca Cola Memorabilia, Starbucks Memorabilia, Cafes, Day Spas, Fashion, Clothes, Shoes, Beauty Products, Perfume/Fragrance, Handbags, Accessories, Labels, Designers, Advertising, Black n White Photography, Homewares, Interior Design, Retro, Miniature Replicas (Perfume/Alcohol Bottles etc), Chupa Chups, Jelly Belly Gourmet Jelly Beans, Giving & Receiving Massages, Crosswords, Expanding my Knowledge/Learning, Current/World Affairs, ESL,TESOL, Deafness, Sign Language, AUSLAN, Helping Children Learn, Being around Babies & Toddlers, Premature Babies, Astrology, Clairvoyance, Shopping, Free Samples etc, Collecting Stuff, Gerberas, Geraniums, Herb Gardens, The Environment, Supporting Charities, Sleeping, Wearing Pyjamas, Kisses, Hugs, Teddy Bears, Skansen Beanie Kids, Dolls, Clydesdales, Armadillos (so much more to add)

One thing I really enjoy doing, is spending time with my 4 year old God Daughter, Jessica. I have been a big part of her life since she was 3 weeks old. Nothing is more rewarding than teaching her new things & watching her grow up.

I'd like to meet:

I am definitely a "People Person"! I want to make it clear though, that I do NOT use MySpace with the intention of "People Collecting", so Please don't waste my time & send me a Friend Request if you do & that is your sole intention for adding me. However, I don't mind talking to/meeting new people on here, so feel free to message me if I am not just an extra number on your Friend's Space! I can talk to people of any age, nationality or religion about anything & I know how to be a loyal, genuine & honest friend, who is there 24/7 for those that matter. Too many people think friendship is all about taking, but I am a giver, not a taker! After all, Friendship is meant to be a 2 way thing!

I think not enough people always value some of the friendships & acquaintances that they had/have already or that are right in front of them...

You do eventually learn who in this world actually cares if you live or die, sometimes the hard way! Sadly, it is a fact that, there aren't too many people in your life who give back what you give to them. Humans often reach out to people and show them that they care about them or have not forgotten them, but sadly many people are too selfish or caught up in life, that they don't step back for a minute & take the time to appreciate that someone remembered them or made an effort to care.

I for one, despite having a busy life, have always made a lot of effort, to Keep in Touch with People that I have met at different stages throughout my life... I look back these days & wonder why I honestly bothered to with some of these people, who have shown that they obviously either, didn't think I was worth bothering about to remember me, will never actually give a stuff about me or will never bother to return the effort... Life is too short to live it as a cold hearted bitch, but then it is also too short to waste on selfish & ignorant people. Karma does often come back to selfish or cold hearted people, I for one have seen it happen to people, who I must say deserved it!

(*I read something that was about Friendships & Life - it was very sad & it made me think about stuff, hence why I chose to write the above...)


Just remember: ~ Each friend represents a world to us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. --Anais Nin (That's my all time fave quote!)

My "ideal" Male Partner would be: Southern Italian Heritage (of course), Strong Family & Cultural Values, Speaks Italian, Likes Cooking, Strong Work Ethic, Younger than Me, Taller than Me, Brown or Black Hair, Olive Skin, Looks "Woggy", Nipple Ring, Smells of Cologne (mmm), Metrosexual, Good Dress Sense, Sexy, Very Outgoing, Can be serious at the right time and also the life of the party at other times, Can talk about anything, Intelligent, Sensual, Affectionate, Playful ;), Knows how to actually plz me sexually - and NOT just himself, Likes Fellatio (bocchino) hehe, Not scared of Commitment, Can Handle my Honesty, Genuine, Loyal, Honest, Caring, Has a Heart, Isn't afraid to be himself or think for himself (can't stand guys who only do stuff cos their mates do! Who wants to be with a guy who plays follow the leader?!), Has a variety of Interests and more...
I can't stand selfish/self centred guys who "think" everything revolves around them! - The type of guy who always has to have his own way & will see you & call you when it suits him. Pftt, Who do guys like that seriously think they are? - We all arrive & leave the world in the same sort of way, so what makes u think you are so superior to me & should have it all your own way! A genuine relationship is a 2 way thing & takes compromise! I also don't like guys who tell me what to do & who I can be friends with etc. I will never try to stop a guy from spending time with his mates. I also don't have a problem with hanging out with a guy & his mates. I like to be able to do my own thing & have time to myself (I also respect a guys wish to do the same), so a guy has to understand & respect that & not expect that I am a clingy 24/7 gf following him around like a puppy, glued to his side or for that matter being his personal servant. I will give 100% to a guy & be there emotionally for him 24/7, but I believe you shouldn't physically hang off each other 24/7. As for sex, it shouldn't be what a relationship is based on or the reason a relationship began - a relationship that's only about sex - has no substance & trust me gets pretty stale after a while! (Oh, while on the topic of Sex - If a guy is not sexually compatible, then forget it... As I said - Sex is definitely not everything in a relationship, but to be honest, if a guy can't push the right buttons, I do get bored!) I also don't like a guy who is into all the stereo typical romantic stuff. I prefer individuality from the heart. I always spoil my bfs with presents & stuff, but not the stereo typical way. It's hard to explain, what I mean, but I am so not the sort of girl who wants/expects red roses & chocolates or candle-lit dinners! To me, that is so damn boring & has no real thought. Why do or give what everyone else does? !
I went through the 'Playa' stage myself in a fairly big way, for a while when I was 23 years old & onwards & there's not too much I didn't do, but when I look back, it was not worth it, cos now having been there (It's NOT something I am actually proud of either) & also knowing so many guys who've cheated on their gfs for meaningless sexual fun, I've seen how easy it is for a guy to get away with it & how so many guys think it's ok to play around, when they already "supposedly" have the girl they want to spend their life with. So TRUST, LOYALTY & being GENUINE are some things I have a real problem believing & seeing when it comes to guys! Also, when you have been treated like "one of the Boys" & told stuff that guys don't always tell girls, you sometimes see & hear a side to guys that you wish didn't exist! I just hope/pray that I find a guy who can prove he grew out of the Playa stage! I also don't wanna be with a guy who thinks he has to pop pills & smoke weed to be able to enjoy life. I've seen too many people fuk their brain & life up with drugs... :(
Does a guy like that even exist? I doubt it! :( I may be wanting too much and I assure u, I know I am definitely nothing special myself, but I won't settle for someone who is not worthy of my love and commitment. I'd rather be single than in a relationship that I am not being my true self in! There are actually other/more Physical & Personality Qualities I like in a guy, but you don't need to know all that...
IF I miraculously find the "above guy", & he actually wants me, then I want to eventually go to Italy & Elope! Then I get my Honeymoon in Italia & don't have to spend a fortune on a big Wedding here in Australia, that's just to satisfy a ton of relatives you see once a year or less! Then, after all that, I definitely want to have some little Bambinos! *goes back to dreaming* hehe.


Beeville 78102

I would love to hear from ANY AC Jones High School (Beeville,Tx) Seniors '94, '95, '96 & '97. It was over 10 years ago now, so I doubt many people actually remember me from JHS in 1994! But, still feel free to message me.

<[ I also enjoy meeting other people on MySpace who are from Beeville - after all, that South Texas Town will always be like a "2nd Home" to me! The fact that I was there so long ago & only there for 6 months, doesn't mean I can't still feel connected to the place & enjoy meeting/talking to (on MySpace) new people from there - To those of you who have a problem with that, I don't want to know about it...
I would like to set a few Accusations, from 2 people, straight though - No, I am NOT trying to "relive" a time in my life (Is it a crime to have memories though?!), I do NOT live in a "Fantasy World" (My life is VERY "real" infact),I have NEVER thought, nor do I NOW think, that "Everyone from AC Jones was my Best Friend", I do NOT want to be "EVERYONE on MySpace who is associated with Beevilles FRIEND" and I do NOT think I am an "Ambassador for Beeville". (If I actually wanted to be an Ambassador, I have plenty of places I'd rather represent!)
*Sorry, but I had to get all that out, because I seriously detest when people assume and accuse me of absolute crap. I am not a Teenager, I don't enjoy this sort of Childish TRASH.* >]

Unfortunately, I've lost touch with many of the people who I knew whilst I was there at JHS. [Click here for a list of all the Classmates that I am hoping to regain contact with, although many of them may have forgotten me.] If you are able to assist me at all, in finding any of those people, PLEASE let me know! Muchas Gracias.

Below is a Slideshow with a collection of some of my Photos, from when I was at AC Jones (It begins with a Picture from Prom & ends with a Picture of Lizzette. So please wait to see each picture come up). *** I have also included, pictures of all the people who are listed in the above list of Classmates that I am hoping to regain contact with.

Tasia Marie Silvas ~ June 12 1978 - August 10 2005

Click here for Tasia's Official Memorial Page.

In Memory Of
Delia "Dee" Clark ~ My English III Honours Teacher. I will never forget that class with Nitra, Amy, Darlena, Lameka, Manuel, Chris & Johnny. It was outside this classroom window, that I first saw a Squirrel! Mrs. Clark was a wonderful teacher & she taught me about American Literature. I was deeply saddened when she died, after a short battle with Leukaemia, in September 1995.

There are now MySpace Profiles for the AC Jones Senior Classes of 1994, 1995, 1996 & 1997 - so check those out:
Click here to go straight to the '94 site.
Click here to go straight to the '95 site.
Click here to go straight to the '96 site.
Click here to go straight to the '97 site.

Contact Me:

*For my Postal Mail Address, Landline # & Mobile/Cell Phone # - ask me directly or check the relevant post in my Blog! [YES! I can receive SMS/Text Messages to my phone from anywhere in the World. So Text me sometime! :)]

Email Claire

First and Last Name:E-Mail Address:Message:


*To be added to*

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Personal Message to Friends:
Current Month: October
Current Season: Spring
Current Location: Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

Special Message: Dad ~ You are in my Prayers!

Hope ya'll are doing fine. It is getting warmer here! Not long to go till it will be Summer! :)
My Health Situation is still not the best & to be honest I am getting really fed up! It has been going on for the past 3 years & I just want to be 100% Healthy again! *God, are you listening???* My Dad has just been diagnosed with Cancer... I feel in shock & do not know what to expect, but I just have to Pray that he will get through it.
I start back with my Post Grad Uni Studies in Early March 2007 - so I have a few months to get myself organised. I hope to finish my studies by the end of 2007. As for what I will do after that, who knows! I have so many things I want to do, but only time will tell. I know that I want to visit everyone in Texas again, asap. It's been too damn long! Take Care & Keep in Touch.

Comments! Comments! Comments!


*To be Edited*
I love all sorts of Music... I have a very diverse CD Collection & very diverse taste in music. I love all the stuff Petrol Records produce -

Click here to find out about Petrol Records. , Music from other Countries, Techno, House, Dance etc... (will add more later) The only Music I really don't like is Heavy Metal, Alternative, Classical & stuff like that.

Click here to check out:

Click here to check out:


*To be Edited*

My all time Favorite are Italian Mafia Movies! (My Godfather DVD Collection is definitely my favorite) But, I like a lot of other different types of movies too... (will add later) My DVD Collection is growing...


*To be Edited*
I like police and crime series ~ such as the bill, law & order, medium and sensing murder, some reality shows ~ yes, a big fan of australian "big brother", documentaries, travel shows, growing up gotti, beyond tomorrow, queer eye for the straight guy, the sopranos, super nanny, strictly dancing, desperate housewives, joey, quiz shows that are stimulating for the brain, beauty pageants, oprah winfrey, dora the explorer and more.


*To be Edited*
I have a very diverse collection of Books and several bookshelves full! I am definitely NOT a fan of Sci Fiction, Fantasy and Romance Fiction/Novels though.


MY MUM - She went through hell to even conceive me, then brought me into this world & suffered a traumatic birth & has been there for me 24/7 since! Through all the bad times, she never gave up on me & I don't think I would have got this far without her. I could never even begin to repay her for what she has done. I dread the day that she is no longer here!
MY DAD - He helped to create me, so I am thankful for that! lol. We may argue a lot, but I will always be grateful for all that he has done for me & given me. I admire him for his strength & courage during his recent Battle with Cancer!
MY G.P. (General Medical Doctor) Catherine - She has looked after me & helped me get through the past 3 years, more than I could ever have expected. A true Angel in Disguise!
KRISTI HADDEN - She saved me in a split second from having a Serious Accident in Texas. I will never forget what would have happened, if it was not for her!
TACHE - My Dog who seriously thinks she is Human! She came into my life when I really needed her. So much I could say about this little rascal... But, all I will say is, I can't imagine life without her!

My Blog

Who I am looking for from AC Jones High School (Beeville, Texas, 78102)

I was in the Senior Class at AC Jones High School (Beeville,Tx) in 1994. I've lost touch with many of the people who I knew whilst I was there. Below is a list of all the Classmates, that I am hoping ...
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dont put your health on the to do list - We only get one chance at life!

When did you last have a Full Medical Check Up? I guess you either can't remember or it wasn't recently...As a person who, in the last 4 years, has been diagnosed with several serious medical issues, ...
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 12:03:00 PST

Pre Eclampsia Awareness Week: 19-25 August 2007

Pre Eclampsia Awareness Week: 19-25 August 2007 To provide information and support to families who have suffered from Pre-Eclampsia, the Australian Action on Pre-Eclampsia (AAPEC) has established a Na...
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:40:00 PST

The Italian Soccer Team 2002 - South Park Style

This is just too damn funny!
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 11:46:00 PST

Code of Humanity

The Code of Humanity I Choose to Communicate Truth. I Choose the Reality of Life. I Choose to Heal Not Hurt. I Choose Education Over Ignorance. I Choose the Power of Peace. I Choose to Love God...
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Life in a Nutshell...

Being Twenty-Something. They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis."It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realising that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may...
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


YOU KNOW YOU'RE ITALIAN WHEN... - You're 5'4", can bench press 325 pounds, shave twice a day, but you still cry when your mother yells at you. - Your father owns 5 houses, has $300,000 in the bank...
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Random Italian Stuff

Five Germans in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border. The Italian Customs agent stops them and tells them: "It's illegal to puta 5 people in a Quattro". "Vot do you mean it's illegal?"...
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I want REAL food!

Been really sick the past few days & haven't been able to eat anything! So I am craving REAL food! Saw this pic & would die for some pizza right now! mmm YUM!!!...
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

:( Tsunami :(

The world is a vast place & there is always something horrific going on somewhere in the world every day... I seriously count myself lucky for living in a country like Australia. Every time I hear bad...
Posted by Claire Isabel © on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST