Mohawks profile picture


The Indians' voices are still carried by the wind.

About Me

We are four French musicians who happen to have similar conceptions of music. We are from the central part of France and have recorded our CD "Face a face" in Tours. The Indian concept of our band is primarily rooted in the spiritual world of our pianist, but is, to a certain extent, also embraced by the other musicians. The band is currently inactive since both the drummer and the guitar player flew accross the Atlantic ocean but who knows what Tomorrow will look like... Don't hesitate to leave a feedback or add us as a friend so that we can get closer to our audience. Enjoy the tunes... Emmanuel/Franck/Michel/Romain...

My Interests


Member Since: 1/22/2006
Band Members: Franck Bidault - Drums / Emmanuel Leclerc - Bass / Michel Rivaux - Keyboards / Romain Rivaux - Guitars
Influences: Our pianist is mainly influenced by trees, which he loves to hug in order to connect to his forefathers. When it comes to tree hugging, oaks are his best bet. Our guitar player vibrates along with the universe. Our drummer is a true Indian sorcerer. His fine mastery of drums and percussions is essentially rooted in his deep understanding of the wandering souls of the purgatory. Finally, our bass player, by far the most skillful instrumented poet of our tribe, is solely influenced by himself, which gives him the ability to surround his sphere of inspiration. Thanks to this medium, he has become the one pole of thought towards which the universe looks.
Sounds Like: The Mohawks' music sounds like red power, blue wind, and purple imagination mixed together. Their live performances are unheard of because the audience the Mohawks target is primarily Nature. When the Mohawks play live, Nature is deeply moved and the trees cry while the wind dries their tears. Their music tastes to the ear exactly like our very first and last breaths shake our body. Rhapsodes used to recount the beauty of their melodies in epic poems, but this tradition has almost completely disappeared. Simply majestic.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Message de Michel

Bonjour, Je suis le clavier des Mohawks. Chaman du groupe ! Je fais des compos perso pour tout projet ... Voici l'adresse de mon site :    Vous...
Posted by Mohawks on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 09:00:00 PST