Ironic Monkey Head Productions profile picture

Ironic Monkey Head Productions

The Future of Tomorrow

About Me

Production Team.
Greg Baldin
Director, Writer, Producer, Cameraman, Editor.
Colin Anthes
Actor, Writer, Director, Producer.
Tristan Douglas
Actor, Director, Writer, Editor.
Chris Elphick
Cameraman, Writer, Editor, Effects.
Matthew Kidd
Director, Writer, Actor, Special Effects, Editor.
Grant "The Hulk" Pearson
Author, Writer, Actor, Hulk.
Geoff Stoner
Writer, Actor.
""Full Tilt" [is] a grim thriller about rape and revenge... a big winner..."
-The Niagara Falls Review
Titled "Full Tilt", it's the story of what someone would do to the person that hurt the one they love.
"Full Tilt" was entered in the 2nd MYAC Film Festival on Thursday, March 29th, where it picked up six awards, including Best Director, Best Editing, and Best Film. Thank you to all who attended.
IMH wishes to aslo welcome it's newest member into the fild, Mr Geoff Stoner! For more on Geoff and his joining of IMH, read the newest IMH blog.
IMH will soon be finishing school, and with free time, comes misadventures of many sorts. Sit back and get ready everyone, for you're about to witness the SUMMER OF IMH!!
special thanks to MO for her neverending support. She is the Tom Cruise to our Church of Scientology. Death to Xenu!
Take The Long Way Home - Pre-Productions
Development Hell - Announced
The Novel - Announced
Full Tilt - Complete
YMCA Commercial - Complete

Here it is folks!!
The teaser to IMH's newest short,
which is now up!
watch. enjoy. love.
Full Tilt Trailer

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My Interests

World Domination.

I'd like to meet:


Many and Varied.


Many and Varied.


Many and Varied.


Many and Varied.


Many and Varied.

My Blog

February 22 Final Myspace Blog

Dear friends of IMH, I apologize for our apparent vanishing from Myspace. We have not abandoned you. On the contrary, IMH is busier than ever making numerous films for your enjoyment. What has happene...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:10:00 PST

Historic Update! April 17, 2007

The summer is fast approaching, and we are just around the corner from making official announcements on our upcoming projects. It's not like we haven't already been busy, however. In a lot of ways, th...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 09:26:00 PST


Hello again everyone! IMH has been ultra-busy of late, and it's time to update you on new events that have taken place and events that will be taking place in the near future. First off, Full Tilt.&n...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 06:32:00 PST

UPDATE: Feb. 7th, 2007

This is the first update to our blog of the new year (and by the looks of it, only the second time we've signed in)But, we have our reasons.Reason the first:I.M.H. is currently working on finishing ou...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 08:24:00 PST

Afterthoughts: A Fight Between

This video started with the simpliest of premises. I approached Tristan and Shawn in the summer of 04 with "I want to hit Shawn with a car and film it." I thought it'd be a great follow up to our firs...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:18:00 PST

Afterthoughts: MAGIC From Beyond

My dear friends,Being in the Comedy program here at Humber College has benefitted me with many things, free time being a major one. So, on lonely nights I wander the production studio of I.M.H. and I ...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 02:08:00 PST


Why do people make there Myspace boxes with the "add friend" and the " send message" invisible? What if there was an emergency, and you had to send that person a message but you just kept trying to ad...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 04:14:00 PST

UPDATE september 2006

Welcome back! IMH productions has plenty of news to dish out on this lovely if you like rain September mid- day, some relating to our June update and some of which is completely new. As you know...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 08:49:00 PST

Update - June 18th

Well folks, there is plenty of new news from the offices of IMH. Many new projects are in the works, but thanks to school, work, side projects, paying gigs, and the needgood old fashioned creative pla...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 12:07:00 PST

The Cardboard Diary

SUSPENSE!! Mr. McInernery and Mr Rysdale had to pick a group of Gr 12 video student to send to Lindsey, Ontario to film a cardboard boat race, but WHO?!?! The obvious answer is Stamford Alum Jame...
Posted by Ironic Monkey Head Productions on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 05:51:00 PST