Interests, well that's a tough one. I have a number of activities that vie for my interest. Yet, by being the proud parent that I am, I'm not left with much time to myself to devote to my interests.When I do have the time and the energy I like to brew. I have been told that I’m pretty good at it. I brew mostly English style ales, because my well water is suited to that style. I prefer Porters, Stouts and IPA to other stylesMusic. I love music. I would rather listen to music than watch TV. Music helps me through my day. Either the pod is playing in the background or I have some college radio station web casting while I am working.I also enjoy playing the guitar. By myself and with friends. Would love to have the time to devote to being a better player and writer. For now I just get by.Soccer. I love to play. Yes even at my age. I am much more kick back these days, then when I was in my younger years. I get a game in a couple times a week. One co-ed league play and the other is just a kick about with friends for a few hours on Sunday morning.
it is more like who would I not like to met?
Lets see here. I would say the Blues, SKA and Jazz. Ok, I would say that those are the major categories. Group wise: Greatful Dead, Sublime, Lounge Lizards, Primus,. Oh hell the list goes on and on. It includes Blue Grass, R&B, Rock, Grunge, and yes even Rap. Not much into Classical thought.Touch_of_Grey,Greatful_Dead
I do enjoy taking a movie in every so often. I just wish that there were some original ideas out there. How many remakes of remakes can they make?Ok, I am off my soapbox now. I enjoy reading my movies. Yes, I like those foreign movies with sub-titles. The last one I saw that I loved with called July. But it was in German, I think.I have a soft spot for Dr. Zhivago. Other off beat movies are Freaks, and Eraserhead, and 400 blows.
I don’t really consider myself a TV watcher. Not in the sense that I have the telly on all the time as a background sound track to my day. But there are some show I try to make time for and other that I enjoy when I can catch them.For the time being I like watching Chuck and Heros.Mostly I find myself watching Fox Soccer and IFC. Other than that I have music on to fill my day.
I must admit that I am not much a reader. That doesn't mean that I don't read. Just not in the context of reading for pleasure. Most of my reading involves reading textbooks, trade publication, and how to kind of stuff. Like Guitar Player, Guitar Techniques...blah, blah, blah