Millions of poor, diseased, hopeless, infected, human beings fall to their knees every night, asking for one more chance of survival.
did they wake up?
Your nothing more then a spec. Your known by no one. You are no one. Your not true your not real. Your scum, fake, insecure. You hide behind your mask, and cower because you cant handle reality. I wont like you, I wont talk to you
The feeling over whelms my body inside. taking my innocence and killing my pride.
i cant seem to cope with the inside truth, reality has come with pain and no virtue.
stuck in the box with no way out. enclosed in these walls. blinded by his light.
surrounded by lies, deceiving men, brainwashed dead.
his farm of pigs, at his feet, waiting for death.How much longer can I watch the plague.
Hands thrown to the sky, again blinded by light
scared of the truth. scared of the end. your day will come
he wants you to pretend.
the world around you a small fixation. of whats to come,
giving you a taste of the of the good and rich.the serpents tongue speaks the truth, this is the end