Lyrics from profile song
Hell Yeah - Hell Yeah
Fuck the norm, I can't understand
Live my life, by the rules of no one
I am me, that can't be wrong
I do what I do, when I do, that's how I like it
Conformity, amputate my soul
Made of stone, smashed the mold
Indifferent, so fuck you all that
Whine, bitch, nag, complain, cry
If ya don't give a shit ya getcha' hellyeah
Throwin' fists in the pit ya getcha' hellyeah
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no.
Balls, volume, strength getcha come on
Drinking beer smoking weed ya getcha' hellyeah
Gotta bruised attitude ya getcha' hellyeah,
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Fuck you all, that won't understand
Be a man, no more and no less,
I'm just me, no matter what you say,
I am, who I am , what I am, that's how I like it
Typical, fucking lifeless clones
My attitude, embrace my own
I don't care, so just walk away and live your
Dull, dead, bland, boring, life
If ya don't give a shit ya getcha' hellyeah
Throwin' fists in the pit ya getcha' hellyeah
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no.
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Drinking beer smoking weed ya getcha' hellyeah
Gotta bruised attitude ya getcha' hell yeah,
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Don't give a fuck and don't think I ever will,
For the prim and the proper it's a shallow jagged pill,
Don't really care if you like me
I just hold up my drink and get my HELLYEAH!
So point your fingers and throw your stones,
I'll be smokin' and drinkin' and breaking fucking bones
To all you fuckin' people thinking you're better than me,
I hold up my middle finger and give my hellyeah!
If ya don't give a shit ya getcha' hellyeah
Throwin' fists in the pit ya getcha' hellyeah
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no.
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Drinking beer smoking weed ya getcha' hellyeah
Gotta bruised attitude ya getcha' hellyeah,
Think you're fuckin' with this well hell no
Balls, volume, strength getcha' come on
Got your whiskey and weed
Balls volume and strength
Music*Getting into bed*Waking up on a weekend*Fresh pair of socks*Nice cup of tea after a night out*Driving*Food*Metallica*Stone Sour*My combats*Computer*Friends*Girls*Family*Pizza*Chicken*Friday*T v*Festivals*Cars*My phone*Some dance music*Subway*Folrida*Mallorca*Warm weather*Joop*Cat boots*Girls perfume*Strippers*Metal music*Electric guitars*KFC*Bodybuilding*Snow*Listening to the rain*Camping*That 70's show*Titanic*Terminator 2*cK boxers*Slipknot*Nights on the town*BOOZE
Fat people*Slobs*McDonalds*R'n'B*People who can't drive*Slow Drivers*People*Crying kids*Clutter*Hurting myself*Nagging*Work*Getting out of bed*Bosses*Work*Hangovers*Chavs*10-17 year olds*Pedos*People who back out of things*2-Faced people*Speed bumps*Gays*Camp people*Immergrants*The EU*Overpriced things*People who are too afriad to say NIGGERS!*Being single*Britan letting every mother fucker with a problem in our county!