Your access has now been granted to the bio of Playboi & Six.Playboi & Six are one of the hottest premier acts to surface from the Dirty South. Their unique style of versatility, sprinkled with catchy hooks and hypnotic beats, makes them a Dirty South Hip Hop meal that will be devoured by all regions.Formerly known as Playa Made Ent., of Forth Worth Texas, Playboi & Six have had their share of hard times. They were members of their former group for about two years until they parted ways due to creative differences.Playboi & Six broke away from the 4 man group and took off on their own. They stated that it was frustrating at first because so many people associated them with their former group, they were often introduced as Playa Made Ent. rather than Playboi & Six.After several pereformances in the DFW area, Playboi & Six quickly gained a fan base that eventually separated them from their old counterparts."We've up'ed our game! We want to capture the heart of our hometown but gain a national audience at the same time! Our ultimate goal is to be known worldwide with no limits or boundaries."Their dream is becoming a reality! Their first single entitled "Creepin'" debuted on DFW radio station 106.7FM and has been very well received.By the way, keep your ears and eyes open for their first album, self-titled "Playboi & Six", which should be in stores near you real soon!"We plan to stand out & gain national attention. That is a promise to ourselves and to the fans of a new Hip Hop Era! Already!!Did You Know?Playboi & Six wrote & produced their entire debut album "Playboi & Six"?
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