chym profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

chym ErE. im addict to pink~ owh whitE too! digitaL mEdia studEnt(so?)+ vector art artist. EhE n wEb fLash dEsignEr n gamEs makEr too. LovE working wif fLash. part timEr photographEr, caLL mE if nEEds mE. luv photography. art's LovEr + naivE art moviE EvEry wEEk. coffEE bEan EvEry wEEk. shOpping is a must, roxy+tropicana. mocha + chocoLatE addictEr. im a shoEs + pErfumE coLLEctEr faLL in Luv wif EminEm + rain + n him~ audi tt coupE wanna havE a hoLiday at korEa wif him wanna havE a koaLa as a pEt

My Interests

pink's comics chocolatEs,mocha icE bLEndEd roxy,MNG,tropicana LifE pERfumEs

I'd like to meet:

diEw. EhEEEEEEE him! diEw...




a Lot


sin chan,cartoons


fLash ;))