Environmental toxicology, ecology, agriculture, developmental biology, public health, sustainable development, travel, local community development
New friends.
Ani DiFranco, Johnny Cash, Utah Phillips, NOFX, Death Cab For Cutie, J.S. Bach
Amelie, Mother Night, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Spirited Away, Saving Private Ryan, Princess Mononoke, Ghost World, Serenity (just shut up, okay)
I don't own a television, but will occasionally watch via DVD The Simpsons, Futurama, Chapelle's Show, Family Guy, Firefly
The Gift of Good Land (Wendell Berry), Guns Germs & Steel (Jared Diamond), Tess Of The D'Urbervilles (Thomas Hardy), American Gods (Neil Gaiman), The Years of Rice And Salt (Kim Stanley Robinson), The Rise of Hyperion (Dan Simmons), H.P. Lovecraft, The Unsettling of America (Wendell Berry), Oresteia (Aeschylus)
Wendell Berry, Paul Farmer, Jeffrey Sachs