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About Me

About me... what about me? I like to write. I like to draw. I love my dogs. I'm obsessed with houses and furniture built in the 1950s. I think that college football is a reason for living. I love sushi. I can speak a little Spanish. I can mix a few drinks. I jumped on a plane and went to St Thomas -alone -on 24 hours' notice just because someone was giving away a free ticket. I have a degree that isn't worth the paper it's written on. Scratch that, I have TWO degrees that aren't worth the paper that they're written on. But I sure did enjoy the time I spent getting them. Oh yeah, and I'm a Saints fan. Not one of those "Oh, we feel so bad about Hurricane Katrina that we pull for the Saints" kind of fan but the "Cheered for Archie Manning" kind who's hung around through a lot of bad seasons. I can't cook but I can bake... and yes, there IS a difference.(6/26/07) Caroline: Courtney, look at you! You're in a panic. Like the decision of which book to buy is a life or death situation. Me: It just might be.Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™

My Interests

Traveling, Mid-Century Architecture, Photography, Music, Books, Art, Sleeping

I'd like to meet:

Phil on the final mat of The Amazing Race... or anyone else who'd like to fund my nasty traveling habit.


Better Than Ezra, Counting Crows, Travis, The Fray, Allman Brothers, Pink Floyd, Edwin McCain, Blue Mountain, Radiant*, Sergi Rachmininoff, Coldplay, Cowboy Mouth, Ari Hest, Lucero


Kicking and Screaming (1995), Chasing Amy, Citizen Kane, Goonies, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Closer, Swimming Pool, Race For Your Life Charlie Brown, Vertigo, Steel Magnolias, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Donnie Darko


The Amazing Race, Lost, My So-Called Life, Felicity, and almost anything that comes on Court TV, Discovery Channel or TLC.


The Prophet, In the Lake of the Woods, Devil in the White City, The Secret History, The Little Friend, Prep, The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, A Good Man is Hard to Find, Lancelot


My Mom.