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PALAGi FRIENDS: Never ask for food
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food.
PALAGi FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr.and Mrs.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Call your parents Aunty and Uncle.
PALAGi FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you saying, Damn...we fucked up...but that shit was fun!"
PALAGi FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Cry with you.
PALAGi FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Keep your shit so long they forget it's yours.
PALAGi FRIENDS: know a few things about you.
SAMOANFRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.
PALAGi FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Will call dem out an den kick the whole crowds ass that left you.
PALAGi FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "eh wot get for eat!"
PALAGi FRIENDS: Are for a while.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Are for life.
PALAGi FRIENDS: Will take your drink away
when they think you've had enough.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, "Bitch, you better drink the rest of that, you know we don't waste!"
PALAGi FRIENDS: Will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Will knock them the fuck out!!
PALAGi FRIENDS: Will ignore this.
SAMOAN FRIENDS: Will send this to every samoan friend that you cherish and love!
I'd like to meet:
tha man of my dreams__
marques houston... timbaland... zipso... adeaze... akon... michael jackson... hot chocolate... tracey chapman... jamii foxx... christina aguilera... aaliyah... missy elliot... joe... atreyu... avant... ying yan twins... aaradhna... maralyn manson... destinys child... savage... eric clapton... neyo... scribe... the used... 3 doors down... acdc... slipknot... korn... the cure... bon jovi... from first to last... hawthrone heights... seal... kanya west... papa roach... 3 days grace... black eyed peas... and the list goes on... its a bit of a mix lol...
EdWaRd ScIsSoRhAnDs... SiOnEs WeDdInG!... LaUgHiNg WiTh SaMoAnS... GrIdiRoN GaNG... ThEiR EyEyS WeRe WaTcHiN GoD... NiGhT MaRe BeFoR xMaS... CoRpSe BrIdE... PiRaTeS Of ThE CaRrIbEaN... SpIdErMaN... LoSeR... JaWbReAkEr... DoN JuAn DeMaRcO... EmPiRe ReCoRdS... EuRoTrIp... Nd PrEtTy MuCh NeThIn WiTh JoHnNy DePp iN It oR MaDe By TiM BuRtOn!!
ThAt 70's ShOw... EvErYbOdY HaTeS ChRiS... BrOtOwN... CoLdCaSe... FaMiLy GuY... FuTuReAmA... SiMpSoNs...
i dont read books... i just look at the pictures... :D
BrOoKeLyN__x HmMm... My BiG SiStEr BrOoKeLyN! ThIs GuRl MeAnS ThA WoRlD To Me... HaD SuM Of ThA BeSt TiMeS WiTh My BiG SiS!! MuCh LoVe BaBe!
SaRaH H__x
MaH FiGi BuDdY... ThIs GuRl Is OnE Of MaH LoNgESt FrEnDz!! We Go WaY BaK To ThA BaRbIe ClUb DaYz... LmAo...
MaH BeStEsT FrEnD SiNcE We WaS LiTtLe! LoL WeLl LYk Yr 6 NeWaY ThNx To ThA HiGhLiTeRs HaHa...
MaH BuDdIe To Go ShOpPiN WiTh We AlAwYz SeEM To HaVe ThE MoSt RaNdUm StUpId MoMeNtS BuT Ay Yu GoTtA
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