feRnaNdo bAdiLla reYes III.. sOn oF a reTireD US naVy & a dieTiciAn.. i hAve tWo bRoThers, tHree sisTers, tHree nepHews aNd tHree nIeCes.. i loVe mY fAmiLy a loT iNcLudiNg mY cLose frieNds aNd reLaTives.. miSs yOu gUys.. namely: [gah!] a loT tO menTion.. **teHee** eaTing..?? oMg! yOu cAn counT oN mE oN tHat.. aLwaYs piGgin ouT wHen eaTin.. [haha!] aSian cUisiNe iS tHe besT.. no douBt.. fiLipiNo, cHineSe, jaPaneSe, maLaySian, tHai, koRean, mY tasTe bUds jusT canT geT eNougH oF tHem.. tHen aDd a spRinkLe oF meXican, iTaLian, aNd cHamoRro fOod.. yUm! iM aLso a woRkahoLic.. overTime heRe.. overTime tHere.. woRk.. woRk.. woRk.. **pHew** i cAn sTill reMemBer soMe oF mY fRienDs iN sAn dieGo teLling mE.. "heY! gO hoMe.. yOuve bEen heRe siNce moRning.. shoOoo!" [waha!] a shoPpahoLic tOo.. tHat maKes mE a maLl rAt aLso.. **squeek-squeek** duRin mY spaRe tiMe, yOu cAn caTch mE eiTher iN a maLl, aT a frieNds hOuse oR jusT aT hoMe.. aT hoMe hiBernaTing.. i cAn sLeep liKe 15 sTraigHt hOurs.. loTs oF zZzzs fLyin ovEr mY hEad.. buT hEy! i cAn aLso sTay awAke uP tO 48 hOurs.. (bE waRy, i wouLd reaLly reaLly bE soOoo hYper tHen.. consTant laugHing aNd taLking oF nOn-seNse tHings..)
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
teAm rYoukO aNd aLL mY frieNds ouT tHere, frOm phiLippiNes To gUam To saN diEgo to nEw jeRsey aNd mosT of aLL Los aNgeLes.. oH yeAh, mY USAF budDies toO..