These are a few things that I am keen on: running through fields of wild flowers, singing at the top of my lungs when no one is around, reading and reflecting, praying, traveling, drinking a Starbucks Frappachino
Fearless men and women who down through history changed the course of time for standing up for what they believed in no mater what the cost!
something soft when I need quiet, something to move me when I want to dance, something loud when I need to shout it out from deep inside!
a good film, in my opinion is one that leaves me thinking, leaves me laughing, leaves me wishing I had been there too
I'm a hopeless LOST fan. Hope it will end this season! Where is the ship that will take them all home?
Too many to list. I don't read a lot of fiction, but I love Francine River's books. I enjoy reading about different cultures and peoples of the world. Reading one book at a time is not an option! History, religion, culture, are just a few of my areas of interest.
My Mom, Suzy, Hannah, Eve, Tammy, Bethany W, Joan of Arch, Amy C, Jesus, Keith G, John, K David, Hudson T, ... the list goes on. Will have to add more when I think of more!