Bethany profile picture


The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend. Abraham Lincoln

About Me

I am woman of faith. I am the daughter of Robert and Penelope. I was born in the west, but love living in the east. I am right handed. I am a teacher. I am a musician. I am a lover of beautiful things. I am a photographer, a capturer of memories. I am a meloncoly, sanquin. I am who God has made me to be.

My Interests

These are a few things that I am keen on: running through fields of wild flowers, singing at the top of my lungs when no one is around, reading and reflecting, praying, traveling, drinking a Starbucks Frappachino

I'd like to meet:

Fearless men and women who down through history changed the course of time for standing up for what they believed in no mater what the cost!


something soft when I need quiet, something to move me when I want to dance, something loud when I need to shout it out from deep inside!


a good film, in my opinion is one that leaves me thinking, leaves me laughing, leaves me wishing I had been there too


I'm a hopeless LOST fan. Hope it will end this season! Where is the ship that will take them all home?


Too many to list. I don't read a lot of fiction, but I love Francine River's books. I enjoy reading about different cultures and peoples of the world. Reading one book at a time is not an option! History, religion, culture, are just a few of my areas of interest.


My Mom, Suzy, Hannah, Eve, Tammy, Bethany W, Joan of Arch, Amy C, Jesus, Keith G, John, K David, Hudson T, ... the list goes on. Will have to add more when I think of more!