About Me
"Communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social, and the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism but in a higher synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths of both. Now, when I say question the whole society, it means ultimately coming to see that the problems of racism, the problem of economic exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr., "Where do we go from here?"
King's last, and most radical, Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) presidential address
devoutly atheistic nonbeliever
staunchly nonpartisan hardcore independent
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Alternet thread on Ali Mohammed
Louisville Media Reform
There's a lot of sentiment going around that this is going to be the
that 9/11 truth breaks out and it does seem to me that all current
indicators would agree. I think it's obvious that there's no stopping
truth - but in my opinion we really need to push it - accelerate -
commit to
do as much as we can every day to spread the truth, reach as many
people as
possible - in order to maximize the potential power in what is already
unstoppable force of nature. Because on the one hand we have Barbara
Streisand's husband, HUSTLER magazine, one of the coolest directors in
Hollywood and the impending Final Cut but on the other there's the
psychopaths with the nukes and detention camps acting more desperate
dangerous by the day.
January 11, 2007 marks the 64th month since September 11, 2001. The
criminals responsible for the 9/11 and ongoing psyop and mass murder
campaign are not only free and at large but they are now publicly
fantasizing about nuking countries full of people you and I will never
Here in the land of the free the majority seems to be asleep to just
what a nationalized ID card means or the fact that they will soon be
required to carry one. A fully operational concentration camp system
been set up for immigrants under ICE. All legal blocks to a total
state have now been removed and "radicals" are invoked even before
"terrorists" in the Puppet-in-Chief's latest threatening utterances
regarding the security of the Homeland.
We've got to act and we've got act visibly on a regular basis.
It's been suggested that the eleventh day of every month be observed as
day of united action for the truth. The idea being for truth activists
everywhere to all act together on a regular, ongoing basis. I think
it's a
great idea and I'm going to do everything I can to promote it and I
know a
number of other people are too. From now on I will observe the
of 9/11 every month with action and I encourage everyone else to do the
same. I think this idea could grow into a powerful unifying force for
truth movement in a fairly short amount of time. We have grown so much
the past year - we can be a truly amazing force for change if we act
together. Imagine the effect it will have when national days of truth
are occurring monthly with ever increasing participation, creativity
So let the eleventh day of every month be a day of united action for
truth -
Spread the word.
Dear Truther,
The following information is for the purpose of trying to get people to send a copy of suggested DVDs to Congress. Our target date is February 15, 2007.
We believe it may still be "unpatriotic" for many members of Congress (Senate and House) to view the evidence that we all know so well. In order to give them a reason to raise this issue in chambers, we are planning to send each and every member a copy of a DVD, along with a letter, requesting a formal viewing. Each member should see that it would be in the "Public interest" to understand the cause of this movement. We believe that upon a formal viewing, attempting to "put this to bed" will not be on the agenda.
This mass mailing may also give us a line in the main stream media.
We are not including in our letters any theories. We do not feel it is our duty or obligation to answer the many questions we have. We feel it is the duty of Congress to re-open the investigation, and to find truthful answers.
We do not feel that it is in our best interest to cloud the issues at this time with any requests for impeachment, because if a formal viewing is accomplished, those issues will happen in the natural course of events following the viewing.
We would appreciate your help in disseminating this information to your truthers. It was impossible to locate all truth organizations and members, so please forward this email freely and frequently.
Our democracy is at risk, and our Congressmen must become more responsive to the American people, and they can only do that if they see the truth.
Thank you for your participation!
Pilots for 911 Truth
Target Date for Mailings: February 15, 2007
Project Name: Round 1 – "Operation Vid2 Congress"
Letter to send to Congressional representatives (Senators and Representatives):
Dear Senator/Representative:
There are many Americans who feel there are too many unanswered questions regarding the events of 911. We request that the investigation be reopened.
Enclosed are two videos entitled "9/11 Mysteries Part I: Demolitions" and "9/11 Press for the Truth†that have caused many to seek answers to the many outstanding questions about that fateful day.
We would respectfully request that every Congressional representative take an hour out of their time, and view each of these videos. We believe that one can only reopen the 911 investigation after seeing them. There are many videos in the public arena presently, but we feel these are fair, informative and reveal many unanswered questions about 911.
We feel that the 911 Commission did not go far enough, nor ask the tough questions necessary to get to the truth. We are requesting the investigation be reopened and that the mission this time be to find the truth, the whole truth, with no stone left unturned.
(your name)
Instruction Letter for participants:
Dear Participant:
On February 15, 2007 there is going to be a mass mailing of two informative 911 videos to our respective Congressional representatives. We are asking that every American participate. The "official story" of 911 is fading away under a cloud of contradictions, inconsistencies, and unanswered questions. The two recommended videos are:
1) 9/11 Mysteries Part I: Demolitions (3 parts)
2) 9/11 Press for the Truth
We chose these because they address the questions that have never been answered and do it in a fair and instructive manner.
Our goal is to get a copy of each of these videos into the hands of every Senator and House Representative on Capitol Hill. We feel many of our Congressional representatives have not seen any of this information.
Our desire is that our Congressional representatives give us just over an hour of their time to view these videos and then reopen the investigation.
We hope that all will participate, as this is crucial to our democracy. It is time to show that we are united in our beliefs and we are an exponentially growing number of concerned citizens that believe we have been misled.
How to Find your Congressional representative:
Go to: http://www.congress.org
On this website you can search by Zip Code and find your respective two Senators and the House Representative for your district. Due to Congressional courtesy, each of us is permitted to contact only one House Representative, that being the representative for our respective voting district. You are a constituent of all three of these Congressional representatives.
Mailing Instructions:
Do NOT mail the DVD to the Washington D.C. address given on the website. Security measures now in place will melt and destroy the DVD. Call the local office of each Senator and Representative, and ask if they will forward a DVD to Washington . Then ask for their local address. It might be best to send it via Fed Ex so that the package can be tracked. I would follow up to make sure they received it.
Instructions on Downloading the Videos:
Where to Download the Videos, if you want to burn them to a DVD:
(right click SAVE AS)
Where to Purchase the Videos, if you don’t know how to burn a DVD:
http://www.question911.com/linksall.htm (911 Mysteries)
Ebay: 911truthmovement (LC2 is $2.30 including shipping)
To View Right Now on Google Video:
Instructions for Converting a .wmi file to a .avi file for later burning onto a DVD:
You need a converter: (this one is free – STOIK Video Converter)
Converting: (what I entered)
a) Input Files (load all 3 of the video parts)
b Output Files (AVI for PC Medium (320x240, 15 FPS, Cinepack)
c) Output Format (AVI for PC Medium (320x240, 15 FPS, Cinepack)
d) Split by size (Unlimited Size)
e) Now all you have to do is burn the .avi file to a DVD (I purchased DVD-RW so that you can delete if you mess up and reuse)
(Note: Irfanview can be used to view the videos also – free program)
Other Suggested Videos: (Some can be found here; others on Google)
Loose Change 2 Recut (August, 2006)
Pandora’s Black Box – Chapter One Analysis of American 77 Flight Data Recorder
Terror Storm
Marshall Law 911: Rise of the Police State
REMEMBER FEBRUARY 15, 2007 is our target date to send these videos to the local offices of your Senator/Representatives to be forwarded to Washington!
Forum: http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org
Email: pilots@pilotsfor911truth
Jim Fetzer is well known for founding Scholars for 9/11 Truth which started out promising.However when Steven Jones refused to support bogus theories about lasers bringing down the Twin Towers and missiles cloaked in holograms rather than airplanes, Fetzer turned on him. Bizarre behavior or someone concerned with "truth". Steven Jones, on the other hand has done solid scientific forensic examinations of WTC steel samples and espouses theories that are supported by available evidence.
Of course none of Fetzer's behavior is surprising considering that he co-authored a dubious book claiming that the Zapruder film is a fabrication.
Jim Fetzer is speaking at a public Library in Columbus Ohio at 1PM on Saturday February 17th. The event is sponsored by the Columbus chapter of World Can't Wait.
There is mixed reaction to the event from members of Columbus 9/11 Truth. Many have expressed that they plan to challenge Fetzer during the Q & A.
Film maker John Albanese is going to be there to confront Fetzer.
9/11 Truth Louisville is getting together a group to go. We need someone to videotape or loan us a videocamera.
Details on the Fetzer event:
February 17th, 2007 - Dr. James Fetzer from Scholars for 9/11 Truth
The Columbus Chapter of World Can't Wait will be hosting Dr. James Fetzer for a speaking event about 9/11 Truth. Fetzer is the founder and co-chair of Scholars for 9/11.
The event will be at the Main Branch of the Columbus Library on Saturday, February 17th at 1:00pm and will be free and open to the public. For more information contact laura AT columbus911truth.org.
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Texas Congressman enjoys support across political spectrum, anti-war pro-freedom hero represents America's last hope
Prison Planet | January 12, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Ron Paul's office has confirmed reports that the Texas Congressman is set to run for the 2008 Presidency. Paul unites opposition to the war and the police state at home across the entire political spectrum and in contrast to the current gaggle of criminals running the White House, represents everything that America truly stands for. A gargantuan effort in support of Ron Paul needs to be mobilized now to prevent Americans from being hoodwinked once again into electing a different puppet of the same dark establishment in 2008.
Paul first ran for President as the Libertarian candidate in 1988, receiving a massive 400,000 votes. He now commands the support of those all across the political spectrum, from libertarians through anti-war Democrats to real paleoconservative Republicans.
Paul has been in and out of Congress since the 70's and is universally hated by the Republican elite, who routinely back Democrats against him just to try and get him out of office. The former Vietnam flight surgeon is the perfect candidate for President and activists from every corner of every political persuasion should mobilize now in an attempt to help Paul shatter the power monopoly of the Republican and Democrat establishment who have worked together for decades to slit America's throat in the interests of power, greed, and ego - all working towards the realization of a new world order.
The Texan represents a dying breed in Congress, those who actually cast their votes in accordance with the Constitution and not at the discretion of lobbyists or the fear that the elite will tarnish their political careers if they don't continually support the establishment. As a result Ron Paul is the elite's worse nightmare, simply having him on the ticket itself will be a massive public relations blow, and that's why media organs will probably be activated to try and discredit him before 2008.
Paul was one of only a handful of Republicans to vote against the illegal invasion of Iraq, contenting rightly that the Constitution clearly states that only Congress can declare war. In bucking a trend, Paul was anti-war long before the majority of the country came around to a similar way of thinking following the catastrophe of the occupation.
While Democrats soft-peddle and cozy up to Bush, creating phony arguments about the level of troop presence in Iraq and ignoring the majority will of the country to bring the troops home immediately, Ron Paul's opposition to unnecessary wars of intervention has remained steadfast throughout his entire political career.
If a gargantuan effort is made from now until the end of 2008 to heighten Paul's media profile and forward him as America's last hope, he truly has a significant chance of giving Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani or whichever elitist puppet the Republicans choose to put forward a real run for their money.
At the very least it's a chance to attract attention to some serious issues and hold the establishment's feet to the fire. But with the favor of the political landscape continually swinging away from the scam repeatedly run by the Republicrats and Democans, we should really start off on a positive footing and consider the fact that Ron Paul, though still an underdog, has a real chance of becoming the next President.
According to the Associated Press , "Paul bills himself as "The Taxpayers' Best Friend," and is routinely ranked either first or second in the House by the National Taxpayers Union, a national group advocating low taxes and limited government."
On every single issue of national importance - borders, the war, limited government, U.S. sovereignty, tax and the federal reserve - Ron Paul stands for populist ideals that the country is screaming out for after seven years of hell under Bush, preceded by eight years of disgrace under Bill Clinton.
Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act, opposes the draft, advocates the abolition of the income tax, urges the re-introduction of the gold standard, and stands against initiatives to strip the U.S. of its sovereignty such as CAFTA and the FTAA.
During several appearances on The Alex Jones Show , Ron Paul has consistently upheld his commitment to civil liberties, slammed the militarized police state that Bush has created and also called for immediate impeachment proceedings to be brought against the current incumbent of the White House.
President Ron Paul could truly return America to the great nation it once was and his decision to run is an exciting development that we should all embrace and stand beside him in the fight to restore some form of dignity to the office of President that has been completely absent since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963.
"Congressman Ron Paul is a dream candidate, a super patriot, a total Constitutionalist, an American hero."
"We must elect him President." - Alex Jones