reading, movies, my family and trying to get debt free.
JESUS,Dr. Phil for a few sessions and chuck liddell. OPPS! I cant forget that sexy beast KID ROCK!
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Bring it on. I love mostly anything. No heavy metal. The 80's are good and so on down the line. I love country music, Kenny chesney, The Judds, Conway, Jonny Cash, Randy Travis. How about lynard skynard and all of the other scumbag rockers. Old scool rap and the 80's hairbands. Oh, and my husbands rap songs that he makes up.
Blood in blood out, Drop dead fred, four rooms, free way, labrynth, urban cowboy, every which but loose, The gospel of john, dirty dancing, cinderella and walk the line.
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Dr.Phil (all you people know you need it),Greys anatomy, What about Brian, Desperate housewives, Wife swap and super nanny (and all of you who are parents with the misbahavors should probably catch that one also).my new fave compliments of shanna wee is Rob and big. Bill keller but his show got canceled. holler back when you get a new slot Bill. Rescue me. court T.V., The Hills
Unlike my husband I can read. Im back in the saddle again on the reading. Always parenting books. I dont want my kids to turn out like I was or like any of the other annoying kids I know. I still cant stand bratty kids who dont mind their parent so I have to make sure I dont create one. To all of you who have them I would suggest that you also wisen up and look into the parenting books. Please do eveyone a favor. A good one is "How to love your child" Sounds pretty simple but im sure none of you know how too. Bottom line is to set a good example. Expect you kids to do exactly what you do. If you are a drunk ,drug addict, a person with poor values, theif or if you have a prison number behind your name expect this same behavior from your child. i have been all of these accept for a convict but praise the lord for me seeing the light. If you know this and continue to have bad behavior You are a poor excuse for a parent and you are selfish. At least give your kids a shot. If they still turn out bad at least you can say you tried your hardest.
All of the women who give birth with no epidural. People with more than 1 kid. Norm Haney, He has helped through so much. Also my two Dads who are complete opposites but have been there for me. I also need to add Ricky B. in the hizouse. He has helped me to get to where I am today. Not to forget whispering Danny. He is a one of a kind. He is also a huge influence to me and my husband and alot of others Im sure. I have to add my husband back to this list. I admire his heart and sense of humor. He has taught me alot. Imagine that. Also step-moms. They are too underated. They put up with alot and get nothing in return. Its a bum deal. Im on my second and last go round with that. But you make the best out of it and ask god for the strength to deal. Enemies are underrated also. If you think about it they are their for us to learn from. If you cant get along with them then just pray for them even if you cant stand it. It gets easier with time.