E B profile picture


It's around here, somewhere..

About Me

I keep saying I'm going to come back here and edit in all of this crap, but I never have.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people that aren't going to screw me over mentally.And you can do a friend request, but unless I see you in real life or are a friend of soembody I know in real life, do not expect to be added. I am not in the business of adding like 100 plus people I never will meet who are reading about my life-- which I keep reasonably scant here anyway.I can hate you but if I know who you are, I'd still add you. We can be friends at odds and I'd still add you. But I'd rather know you and call you friend if we IM, blog, and pass notes once in a while. I rotate my "top" lists just to keep things fresh-- it isn't because I like or don't like someody on a given week.HSCL and love to all.


I'm all across the board. I liked Swing and Big Band music before it was revived recently. Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, The Dorseys, Les Brown. You got it, kid. But I have a mid 80's streak too like Howard Jones,Weird Al Yankovic, Annie Lennox, Everclear, Green Day, Oasis, Smashing Pumpkins, Gwen Stefani, ... depends on my mood. Don't forget the video game Midi's from videogamemusic.com.. Yea, Lemmings! Sonic the Hedgehog! Bonk! Fantasy Zone! Okay, getting ahead of myself. But don't ask me what's new on the radio, I couldn't tell you. I usually keep CD's in the car, and when I do listen to the radio, I might have on NJ101.5, KYW 1060 AM(news radio), or 104.9FM (South Jersey). I do have other stations set, but wouldn't know them by name. I'm usually not in the car long enough to listen to anything. I also collect 78's and 45's and still play them!


Twister, Back to the Future Trilogy, The Craft, Where the Heart is, With Honors, Sleepless in Seattle, Ever After, Never Been Kissed, Pacific Heights, Beetlejuice, Uncle Buck, 16 Candles, Weird Science, Breakfast Club, Real Genius, War Games, Hope Floats, Miss Congeniality, Speed, Practical Magic, Forces of Nature, While You Were Sleeping, The Family Man, When Harry Met Sally, Mannequin, Curly Sue, Groundhog Day, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Field of Dreams, GalaxyQuest, For Richer for Poorer, The Wedding Singer, 50 First dates, The Truman Show, ED TV, Kripendorff's Tribe, Mr. Holland's Opus, ummmm.. I got bunches more stuff.


Tivo is your friend. I have it set to record (when available) Dr. Phil, Charmed, Quantum Leap, Little House on the Prairie, Highway to Heaven, The Nanny, Mork and Mindy, ER, Trading Spouses/WifeSwap, Animal Precinct, Animal Cops (Detroit), Pimp My Ride.. but I don't always get time to watch everything so I have to let some shows go. Again, don't ask me what's going on with prime time TV. I rarely ever see it. I do like Life According to Jim, though. Like most tv shows.. I don't get into it until it's been on a few years. I watched my first "Raymond" show over the summer. Go me!


I hoard books, but haven't read anything of substance lately. I do most of my reading in the bathroom and that consists of magazines, or books I read a chapter at a time over a period of several months. I've been reading "The Von Trapp Family Singers" for about a year and a half now. Readers Digest, or "O "magazine is about as deep as I go because I'm usually so busy.


Mark Gardner, Dr. Phil McGraw, William H. Cosby, Tom Lamaine, Jim Cantore...

My Blog

I haven’t posted in like forever..

I have like one reader.. you need to follow my REAL blog on Live Journal if you want to know what I am up to. Please email me if you want the address. Love to all..-EB
Posted by E B on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 06:22:00 PST

Mark Gets a Job..

at USATech. There have been enough false starts in the past 3 years.. this has to be the one!Too many contracted positions or tiny start ups that couldn't keep him there after a couple of months. (no ...
Posted by E B on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 06:48:00 PST

Posted RIP for Bela Yankovic

Oct 8, 2007 5:00 PMDear Yankovic family,I read about Bela today on Livejournal where a cute montage was posted about your baby girl. I am sorry for your loss and I know what love a good dog can bring ...
Posted by E B on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:38:00 PST

you kno you want to.....fill it out cuz you luv me

1. who are you?2. are we friends?3. when and how did we meet?4. how have I affected you?5. what do you think of me?6. what's the fondest memory you have of me?7. how long do you think we will be frien...
Posted by E B on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:11:00 PST

Posted message for AL...

E B Aug 13 2007 7:23A Wildwood, NJ.. Yes. we were there too... 4th row, middle.. Awesome stuff. 2 1/2 hours of power, party and fun, flying paper and pyrotechnics. Any Al fans that can get a ticket th...
Posted by E B on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:32:00 PST

LiveJournal is down.. so..

I'm saying hello to you people. Dentist tomorrow and a ball game at Shitizens Bank park. Bobblehead!Mark still not speakin' to me.. but he's got a lot to worry about.. I just wish he woulda liked seei...
Posted by E B on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 08:29:00 PST


Sounds like the rest of the world has its shit together but me. I've been free from work for the past two weeks and still drowning in exhaustion and stress and many variables mixing it up lately.. I w...
Posted by E B on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 06:18:00 PST

Crap.. she's alive..

First monday I've had off in.. uh.. um.. *counts on fingers and toes..* uhhhh.. like 37 weeks.. But rather than get terribly lazy.. on the one hand I want to rest some more.. on the other.. I think I ...
Posted by E B on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 08:23:00 PST

Happy Holidays and all that jazz

This is my quarterly MySpace blog. It's Christmas. Its been another hard year that has its ups and downs. Mark is working hard in School so I give him credit for hanging in there. Jobs were lost and j...
Posted by E B on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 09:34:00 PST


table table table td {vertical-align:top ! important;}span.blacktext12 { visibility:visible !important; background-color:000000; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center center; width:4...
Posted by E B on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 10:28:00 PST