poetry. booze. literature. my family (this includes friends). country moonlight. oceans, rivers, and creeks. J Jameson Whiskey (1780). Guiness Draught (1756). nature. music. watching alot of people who can't sing, singing together, and then joining in. history. creative expression. the cry of dawn and the sigh of dusk. writing. red wine. music. wow, I forgot drugs; a truely terrible thing to paint under the rug. philosophy. watching people dance. billiards, darts, ping-pong, ect... playing sports. this video is awesome.
I've listened to innumerable musical genres. but my favorite has to be Tom Waits.
interesting, I dig. How High, The Big Lebowski, Waking Life, The Sandlot, O Brother Where Art Thou?, It's A Wonderful Life, Saving Private Ryan.
fuck TV (of the most part). Sopranos, hot. Seinfeld, hot. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, hot.
favorite. won't even get into this one as it would be an excersize of futility.
the Pilgrim and the Poet. captains, seamen, and sailors. my parents and siblings. my boys and katie. Jack Kerouac Explains 'On the Road': "Well, I wrote the book because we're all gonna die..."