Come See our new show " La legend de Cholachioaquxici (she half Polish)Qvole my fellow Chusmistas, ChUSMA is happy to let the world know, that we have been accepted 2009 CLETA's xxxv Festival Cervatino Callejero. Two years ago we attended and participated in 33rd annual festival and that was the beginning of the end of the ten year old trio. We decided to pick up the pieces were we left offed. For the last two years we have had the pleasure to work with many great actors and actresses with corazon. We have also had the honor to work for the Arthritis Foundation on the correlation between the arts (in particular teatro)and self esteem among the youth with arthritis. This a clinical study with our own Dr. and statistician . This two year grant/findings will end up being published in a medical journal.2009
Mexica New Year Los Angeles
Southwestern Collage, Chula Vista, CA.
2008 Act Now program2008
Humboldt State University/ Northern, CaliforniaDe PAul University/ChiCAGO2007University of Wisconsin/ Madison, WisconsinCervantino Callejero/ Guanajato, Mexico.Coachella "RAICES"/ the IE CaliforniaEl Serreno Community Garden/ LA, CalifasHumboldt State University/ Northern CaliDominguez Hills HighUC Irvine/ Southern CaliEl Sereno Middle School/ LOs AngelesChUSMA's "The Green Monologues" Antigua Coffee houseTia Chucha's/ChUSMA Community Teatro Workshops & ShowThe Farce of July/ Self help GraphicsWe will continue to serve our communties throughout the world. Stay tuned for the all new and improved ChUSMA this FALL 08Â I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
Wetback You’re Punked
Beto with Culture Clash and Joe Nunez
ChUSMA Rockn San Diego's Southwestern
boca floja autonomo
dueno de mi alma no