Profile Generator
I'm Albert, Born in Miami, Florida
I play Bass, and sing.
I'm going to Berklee College of music
I believe in two things
I believe in the Groove.
and I believe in Harvey Dent!
my Aim sn is BassClefAlbert
Tamoszius Kuszleika, The Violinist
For he is an inspired man. Every inch of him is inspired--you might almost say inspired separately. He stamps with his feet, he tosses his head, he sways and swings to and fro; he has a wizened-up little face, irresistibly comical; and, when he executes a turn or a flourish, his brows knit and his lips work and his eyelids wink--the very ends of his necktie bristle out. And every now and then he turns upon his companions, nodding, signaling, beckoning frantically--with every inch of him appealing, imploring, in behalf of the muses and their call.
-Upton Sinclair
oh, and I'm in love with Liz Lemon/Tina Fey from 30 Rock