*******who would i like 2 meet?...well fist & 4most i would like @ meet my LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST...i would love 2 be able 2 sit down face 2 face wit him & have a conversation wit him about where i am in my life...& if im on the riGht track...other then th@ im open 2 meetin all kinds of new people...i mean i dont care 2 know the people who are tryin 2 brinG me down...& 2 u Guys who are just tryin 2 fuck...well u should know th@ its not Gonna all 4 d8n & Gettin 2 know some1 but im not the 1 th@s Gonna lay down wit u as soon as i think i know u...& in case u havent noticed a real ass chic...i kick it wit alot of Guys so i know thinGs th@ most Guys wouldnt expect me 2 know...i dont kick it wit very many females...but the ones i do kick it wit...are all down ass chics just like h8 if u want or love me if u dare...but if u aint Gonna be real then i dont care what you have 2 say...*******