Wut up people! Thanks for checking out my music I figured if you're reading this then you might be a bit curious about me. Lets start way way back I was born in a small town called San Gil in Colombia South America I came to the states when I was 7 and lived in North Long Beach/Compton. I first heard hip hop like many other L.A heads on a low budget radio station call KDAY. I recorded any and all songs on my downtown L.A mono boom box and played them back till the tapes busted. After a couple of years in L.A County my family moved to Riverside (where I could no longer get KDAY)so I started trying to rap. I first started to M.C at the age of 10, even though I had only spoken the language for 2 1/2 years I made a name for myself free styling at schoolhouse ciphers, I strictly free styled until the age of 13. I wrote my first real song for a school talent show and performed it on stage in front of a few hundred people. I kept on witting and performing mostly for talent shows and house parties around town, in the meanwhile however I was also going through some of life's ruff patches and my work from that time reflects the thigs I was experiencing. After a while my family decided to move back to L.A, I stayed behind and lived from house to house with friends and family. After a while I moved back with my fam in Long Beach and teamed up with a couple of MC's and formed a Crew called L.A (lyricist Anonymous) which later became Western Union We met up with a producer who made us a few tracks and we started getting a bit more serious. But whats better then having a producer? Yup you guessed it being a producer. I made my first beat at 16 using an 8 second DJ sampler and a drum break record. Since then I've heavily upgraded the studio and I've produced 10 plus albums and won various beat competitions. I was the 02 Beat Olympics Winner and after 7 years out of the beat battle game I grabbed silver medals in both the 09 Beat Knock and The Battle at Malone's. I have put out 3 Group albums and 2 solo albums and I have another solo joint on the way. I produced a tracks for Lil Scrappy, M.C Eiht, Gunnie Sanotchra and the IVY League. I'm currently working on about 7 different projects from R&B to Latin rap to the good old underground stuff keep your ears open cus you might just recognize the signature sound.
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