INFLUENCED BY: dogs that don't remember there name,a wheel that gets tired,backpack filled with backs,one legged ladders,electronic excuse letters,answer machines with the busy signal,reminiscences with strangers,playing scrabble with numbers, permanent ink on white shirts, 9 to 5 veterans, homeless conspiracy professors,explaining the color yellow to a blind person,snakes on a plane, a melting ice cream truck, palm less psychics, three hash browns and a pound of quarters, germ phobic junkies, subway tokens, tap water, italicized drunks,sleep walking through daydreams, putting spells on cursed words, prescription computer screens, misspelled dictionary words, burning cd's next to the fire place, directions written with a highlighter, rare samples, expensive beats that make no cents, movies that are better than the book, wearing timberlands in the summertime, a bottle of Hennessey, smoking only twice a year, reality cartoons, neighbors who mow their lawn at night,arguing that its still Friday after 12am.......
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All industrial and natural sounds
a whole bunch