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A Place to Hide

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Your right , I am the reason people get shot, I am the reason for starvation I am the reason for disease I am the reason for hate greed and destruction I am to blame for the downfall and horrendous veiws of societyYour right to think its me who else could it be Our world leaders who thrive on death to make money ? - No Could it be that maybe there are just psychos and you seek to blame that which you do not understand and therefore dont condone ? - Of course notwho wouldnt beleive that its all my fault your a fool if you deney itI who is patriotic enough to have three canadian flags in my room and one on my backpack someone who hears of brutal crimes and acts of sadition and wishes persons responsible will be held accountable to possibly help end such thingsI get angry when things dont go my way I feel hate I feel sorrow I feel painbut I also feel Love Happiness and Joy, on levels of which I never even saw in movieswhy is it I am blamed? because you people seek to destroy what is different and possibly beautiful you dont understand me, and because you fear to try, you hate me you blame me for the sadistic acts which are commited daily because you seek to find an answer , and when you cant, you seek to destroy meI'll tell you this now, you'll never destroy me, when I walk by a group of kids wearing black clothes and make up , and least one of them is going to think its cool and do the samewhen I am older, and doing whatever it is I do for a living ( something respectable mind you ), I am not going to think that this time of my life was dumb, for now is when I am the smartest, because I had the guts to say what I felt, and stand true for who and what I amyou'll never destroy me, you can throw your worst insults, acusations, or a brick, but all you show me is that because I dont do it turn, I am better, and with each one of these actions you commit, I rise above you, you dont weaken me, you make me stronger by seeking to eliminate me, you are eliminating yourselfyou are showing me that you, not me are the weakness in people, I am willing to meet and befriend people before I guess at what kind of person they are you are not, I win you lose , thats all there is to it.I YOUso stop your prejudice, because that my friends leads to hate, and hate leads to violence you are the cause, not IEnd it for me, End it with me Now!