..alright its L8 at night and i really got nuthin better to do so im just gona keep on writing and im not gonna stress over spelling so suck it up.hey wuts crackin ladys and gentlemen. let me start off with my self, im 14 got good friends pretty fun life iM random as hell so deal with it nukkas. the list of shit i love. 1) i love to snowboard.. if you dont support it dont bother talkin to me. i took a few pretty big slams this season. one was on this down rail, my board clipped this dent or sumthing and almost cracked a rib(at least thats what the paramedics thought). ANOTHER IS THE REASON YOU HAVENT SEEN ME AT SEEN ME AT SCHOOL 4 THE PAST 2 DAYS basically i tried to FS boardslide this 6' rainbow box n i clipped the side and got wiplash in me neck IT HURT MORE THE EDWARD SCISSOR HANDS TRYING TO JACKOFF anyways im over it now and i will be back tomarrow. 2) music. most people will say "music is my life" or sum hippy shit like that. yes it is my life but even more it inspires me to go beyond, it can bring me up when im feelin down. it is the reason that im writing right now. I LISTIN TO IT EVERYWHERE WHEN IM RIDING(snowboarding), IN CLASS WHEN I DONT FEEL LIKE LISTINING, IN THE CAR, DOING MY HW, ANYTHING REALLY YOU CAN THINK OF(EVEN RIGHT NOW). music inspires love and is the reason i dont go crazy. [b]my sound system blows the socks off the shelves!![/b] 3)girls cuz they look good 4)food. it keeps me alive. tastes good. just a nessary accesiory to sams life. 5) my random sense of humor. IM NOT SURE IF IT PISSES PEOPLE OFF OR GETS ANNOYING AND FRANKLY I DONT CARE it keeps me intertained and thats all that matter.[b] dont tell me to shut up cuz i only get louder!!!!!!!!!!! [/b]. 6) Friends. they will always push you to go bigger and go farther.[b] i dont know where the good days went, where you could just not give a shit about anything else and just cruise around town with your best friends[/b]. well thanks for taking the time to read all this. i dont know what to do with my self now except just kick back and wait for tomarrow. hit me up if you wanna talk. im out.www.TightGenesForSamWilliamson.comHey I am SAMUEL WILLIAM STRYKERSON if you havent noticed that. anyways i see you have come to hangout at my profileRANDOM CRAP FROM YOUR CLOSEST WINTER RESORTAHAHAAHAHAHATWINS!!!survaymy quiz
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Hey i see you have come to hangout at my profile
well relax, sit down, and have a cup of coffee.
while you r here leave a comment asking wazzup and ill
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And... enjoy your stay at my profile!Julia has set out my future as a fireman!surveymy quiz
NAME: sam
BIRTH DAY: feb. 13th
AGE: 13
HAIR COLOR: brownish or dirty blond
EYE COLOR: bulish green
DO YOU HAVE A JOB? i skate
FAVORITE COLOR: brown or purple
FAVORITE FOOD: bacon lol
DO YOU HAVE PETS? yeah 1 dog waiter
DO YOU DRIVE? only a gocart i built
SMOKE: im somking hot if that counts lol
DRINK: only rootbeer
COKE OR PEPSI: rootbeer
Mcdonolds OR BURGER KING: jack in the box
BESTFRIEND: look at my top frends
AGE: like 12 and 13
DO YOU TALK OFTEN? yeah all the time
WHERE DID YOU MEET? most at school
WHY ARE THEY YOUR BESTFRIEND? cuz they are awesome
HAIR COLOR: brown or dirty blond
EYE COLOR brown/blue
SKINNY OR FAT? skinny?
CUT OR BUILT? idk lol
SHORT OR TALL? my hight
NAME OF BF/GF: no one
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.compheel good inc VIDEOSref="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnB5emFtL
mNvbS9waHBnZngvY2F0ZWdvcmllcw==">comment graphics , and flash toys at pYzam.com .
layoutI edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)