my name is heather. I live my life the way I choose because you only get to live it once...that's fine if you judge me, ill probablly do the same to you...
my friends are my family...i love them and they love me!! I have everything and everyone I need..
I have a corissa (best friend)
I have a steven(sexy boyfriend)
and I have a kaysa(best friend number 2)
and a tyler (old aquaintance turned best friend)
I don't mean to come off as a stuck up bitch, but I rarely add new people.....espically people I don't know
i would like to say that i am unique, but it seem that the word has lost all meaning, there is no unique anymore...everything worth doing has been just a defeated soul trying to understand why the world is built on such harsh realities, and painful lessons...cant there ever be a balance?
we will just have to wait and see...
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