Traveling, camping, checking out some live music, futbol, basketball and golf. Someone get me a fishing pole I need some time to relax.
As many people as possible so I can make them laugh.
Radiohead, Widespread Panic, The Grateful Dead, Rancid, Beastie Boys, Rage Against the Machine, Wu-Tang, Pink Floyd,Led Zep, Foo Fighters, Jimmy Eat World, Arcade Fire, Kanye West, Tool, NIN, Lupe Fiasco, Jay Z, and many more...
Fight Club, Star Wars, Seven, Office Space, The Matrix, The Cable Guy, Boondock Saints, The Brothers McMullen, Heat, Collateral, Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, The Wedding Singer, The Natural, Vision Quest, Hoosiers
CSI(all of them), 24, Without a Trace, PTI, Sportscenter, Cold Case, Love Monkey, No Reservations, Monster Garage,One Tree Hill, Top Chef, Hells Kitchen, Californication,Dexter, and BBAD.
Fight Club, Invisible Monster, Wuthering Heights, Watership Down, Les Mis,
Ernesto Guevara, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, RFK, Karl Marx, Immanuel Kant, Chuck Palahinuk, Steve Prefontaine, Muhammed Ali, Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice, Steve Young, Bobby Bowden, Andrew Jackson, Jim Calhoun,Ernest Hemingway, Billy Roberts, my Father.