Amanda profile picture


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About Me

My life has has been full of changes lately - most of them great ones! There's no way to fully describe yourself in a little "about me" blurb, so I'll just say that I love the Style Network and Battlestar Gallactica in equal measures. I don't like ugly or stupid people, but ugly stupid people are the worst. Someday I hope to be the first white girl to star in a Bollywood movie... I've been practicing the dance moves every day, so now I'm just waiting for that call. I have the most amazing husband, a gorgeous daughter, an outstanding circle of friends, and probably the coolest yellow dog in a tri-state area.
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My Interests

I love spending time with my husband (he's the best!), getting together with my girls, traveling, dancing, community service, my job (mom), making fun of people with southern accents... you know, the usual.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to spend a day hanging out with the girls or Perez Hilton.


I like Hip-Hopera, Rodeo Music and things you can really let loose to while wearing wooden shoes.


Favorite movie - Run Lola Run! Also love Chocolat, Boondock Saints, Junebug, Series 7, Finding Nemo, Hard Candy, 28 Days Later, Because of Winn Dixie, Thank You For Smoking, the original Star Wars, Millions, and any movie featuring Christian Bale, Mathew McConaughey or a combination of the two (Reign of Fire, anybody?).


I'm addicted in the bad way to "So You Think You Can Dance!" I also love, I mean *really* love Heroes, My Boys, Grey's Anatomy, Weeds, and Dexter. Oh, also Jack Bauer is my hero.


I read a lot of crazy anatomy books, mostly about gene splicing. It's crazy the things you can do now, like combine Pigs and Bears and create Pigars. The most awesome one is the Octopus and Parrot creature known as the Octot. Scarlett finds it all very interesting.


My husband and my gram. Also, women who can confidently wear hats. I look so fabulous in hats, and yet find it so hard to actually wear them in public.

My Blog

Back on the Wagon.

New blog posted over at Martini Moms!  Click here for the link. ...
Posted by Amanda on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 09:19:00 PST

Additional Hilarious Baby Footage

So more of some ridiculously cute baby/daddy play time can be found here (caution - watch at risk of smiling stupidly for the next two minutes straight): ...
Posted by Amanda on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 06:12:00 PST

Happy Baby

So, my default picture is a picture of Scarlett with a look that she generally reserves only for me - a mix of "what the hell?!?" crossed with a splash of "you are totally retarded".  However, be...
Posted by Amanda on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:23:00 PST

Reality Therapy

New blog posted at:  www.martini-moms.comGo, read, enjoy, and feel free to leave comments.  Thanks!...
Posted by Amanda on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 08:53:00 PST

New Blog Site is Up!

I have a new "point and laugh" blog posted, but it is up at my new blog-site:  www.martini-moms.comPlease go, read and check back daily at for new posts. I will be writing my typ...
Posted by Amanda on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 09:28:00 PST

Mommy Porn

Men and women are different.  No, really it's true.  Of course, I realize that you've probably already read 14 different relationship and self-help books to help you learn that stunning trut...
Posted by Amanda on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:12:00 PST

The quiet before the storm

I'm sitting here on my couch, slightly unnerved.  The silence is overwhelming... there's no rhythmic "tick-tock" noise from the baby swing, no washer and dryer busily humming along, even the loud...
Posted by Amanda on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:26:00 PST

Everyone Twitter with Me

As if our personal lives weren't splayed open enough and put out there for all the world to see with our myspace pages, friendster pages, facebook pages, blogs, etc., the internet has once again toppe...
Posted by Amanda on Mon, 28 May 2007 05:14:00 PST

A Much Needed Update

So the past few months have such a whirlwind of change and activity, I almost don't know where to begin.  For starters though...As many of you knew, Jim and I were building an awesome house and i...
Posted by Amanda on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 08:49:00 PST

It's NOT okay.

Am I really the only person out there that is freaked out by The Burger King??  A co-worker and I were discussing things that scare us today (the topic came up after we saw a spider walking down ...
Posted by Amanda on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 01:27:00 PST