well a lil bout me i graduated Swansboro high class of 06' bitches...i have dirty blond hair and brown eyes, im 5'3 and a 1/2 (and yes that 1/2 sure does count haha).Im currenty enrolled in college as a full time student... gonna make some thin of my life ;)
Im from buffalo NY, and the biggest marine corps brat there is....haha Im an older sister of 3- Bre(12), kara(9), Edward(4). Im also a mommy of my 3 babys BJ(gemermanshepard chawaw), Ginger(enligh sheep dog), duke(my biggest baby yellow lab). I love to party and dance, n jus chill,im a great friend you can always count on me. I love the beach always there, luv to shop...but what gurl doesn't. Im a hard worker, im always workin... i work at the Main Exchange on Base. I drive a GMC Serria (luv it) wit 4 wheel drive and extended cab...(daddy gave it to me). If anything alse you wanna know jus ask me...
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