I'd like to meet:
Fascinating, artistic, well-educated people. Bellydancers, SCAdian's, people who love to learn and anyone interested in similar interests. I already have a life partner, so please don't make any attempts in that direction. Thanks!
Solace, Vast, Korn, Vas, Crystal Method, Techno, Evanescence, Eminem, Anything with a heavy beat or Middle Eastern flavor...
V for Vendetta, Memoirs of a Geisha, Fifth Element, Serenity, Sahara, Transporter, Hellboy, Apocalypto, Boondock Saints, Last Samurai, AVP, Undercover Blues, The Island, 13th Warrior, 40 Year Old Virgin, Batman Begins, The Patriot, Crank, Kingdom of Heaven... To be continued.
Anything by Tamora Pierce, Garth Nix or Michael Criton. The Little Princess and The Secret Garden. Any instructional book. Go Dog Go.
My parents, Eric, Jenna, Rachael Brice: ( http://www.rachelbrice.com/ ), Heath, "Siege", Sh'day and Montgomery Avanosh.