Yes, life's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after.
Saying I live in my head is a bit of an understatement.
Anything I can think of, I'll bring it out into our world.
I believe everything I say is true and will pretty much argue that point across.
My life's pretty simple, but others may see it as a mess...pretty much like my bedroom - cluttered but I know exactly where everything is, and everything's in there for a reason.
I plan to move to London next year, and study maths.
Dancing to the Spice Girls whilst drunk at 3 in the morning is what it's all about.
"For a clever person, you seem to say the stupidest things." seems to be said to me a lot...increasingly.
I live my life for today and vaguely for tomorrow.
I over-think things far too much, and get reeeally paranoid at things. But when it comes to it, I act in the moment...and then I'll worry about it for weeks afterwards.
I won't leave the house without make-up, even if I'm running late. I look forward to maths. I have great friends, I don't deserve. I fall in love with all things beautiful. I'm the worlds most useless flirt. I'm happier then I should be. I worry about the wrong things. I laugh at people who fall over. I fall over a lot. I'm loud. I'm pedantic. I'm incredibly clever. I'm immature. I'm antagonistic. I'm optimistic. I'm arrogant. I'm an idiot. I'm over-the-top. I'm Jessicarrrr.
Dear Jess...