*~ash~* profile picture


always happy

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

You Have Fantastic Karma
You are a kind, sensitive, and giving person.
And all your good deeds will pay off - if they haven't already.
But you're not so concerned with what you get in return anyway.
You have an innate caring nature - and nothing can change that! How's Your Karma?
You Can Change Your Life, But It Won't Be Easy
You really, truly want to change. You're just not sure that you can do it.
You need a solid plan, supportive friends, and a strong will.
Think about times you've made hard changes, and what you did to get through them.
A change is in your future - you just need a little help getting started. Can You Change Your Life?
You Should Spend Your Summer at the Beach
You're a free spirit who is always thinking of new ways to have fun.
And you don't just love summer... you live for it.
So, you really should blow off your responsibilities and head to the beach! Where Should You Spend Your Summer?
What Ashley Means
A is for Alluring

S is for Sweet

H is for Hyper

L is for Likeable

E is for Elitist

Y is for Young
Perfect Mate
Describe your mate
What color hair?: doesnt matter nothing crazy
Same age, older or younger?: older
Taller or Shorter?: taller
Most is the most important physical attribute?:
Most important personality attribute?: smile
Do you want to do everything together?: not everything ,but some stuff
You want this person to be your best friend?: yeah
For a fun date you'd...?: go bowling and just have fun
Just hanging out your first choice of something to do?: doesn't matter
Second?: doesnt matter
Third?: doesnt matter
You're ideal mate for life is?: tall
The cutest person in your life today?: i cant give names
Pick one person that you know right now that you would marry.: i'm not giving names
Why would you marry that person?: cuz there so damn hot
What is more important?
How nice a person is or how good they look?: both
Truth or Lies: truth
Breaking up or trying to make it work when it won't?: breaking up
An ex as a great friend or deleting that person from your life?: ex great friend
Hanging out or making out?: both
Knowing each other well or constant physical contact?: both
Would You?
Stay with someone who treats you bad?: no comment
Stay with someone who hates all of your friends?: no comment
Stay with someone who is a raving lunatic?: no
Stay with someone because your friends tell you to?: hell naw
Break up with someone because your friends say he is creepy?: hell naw
Stay with someone out of pity?: no comment
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I'd like to meet:

Your Birthdate: January 10
Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.

Your strength: Your ability to gain respect

Your weakness: Caring too much what others think

Your power color: Orange-red

Your power symbol: Letter X

Your power month: October What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
People Envy Your Compassion
You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.
People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them. What Do People Envy About You?
You Are a White Flower
A white flower tends to represent purity, simple beauty, and modesty.
At times, you are dignified like a magnolia.
And at other times, you represent great ecstasy, like a white orchid.
And more than you wish, you're a little boastful, like a white hydrangea. What Color Flower Are You?
You Are An ESFJ
The Caregiver

You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first.
A creature of habit, you prefer routines and have trouble with change.
You love being in groups - whether you're helping people or working on a project.
You are good at listening, laughing, and bringing out the best in people.

You would make a great nurse, social worker, or teacher. What's Your Personality Type?
You Are 60% Spoiled
You're a little spoiled, but you're not spoiled rotten.
You love to be showered with gifts and affection, but you're good at keeping your demands to a minimum! Are You Spoiled?
Your True Birth Month Is December
Not egoistic
Loves praise
Loves to joke
Fun to be with
Not pretending
Loves attention
Short tempered
Hates restrictions
Loves to socialize
Loves to be loved
Loyal and generous
Impatient and hasty
Changing personality
Good sense of humor
Honest and trustworthy
Influential in organizations
Takes high pride in oneself
Active in games and interactions What's Your True Birth Month?
You Are 84% Open Minded
You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself. How Open Minded Are You?
You Are Very Happy
Your life is totally together, and you enjoy every day.
And you don't need a quiz to tell you that!
You know how to find pleasure in the little things...
And even when life isn't so great, you have a good sense of perspective. How Happy Are You, Really?
Your Heart Is Blue
Love is a doing word for you. You know it's love when you treat each other well.
You are a giving lover, but you don't give too much. You expect something in return.

Your flirting style: Friendly

Your lucky first date: Lunch at an outdoor cafe

Your dream lover: Is both generous and selfish

What you bring to relationships: Loyalty What Color Heart Do You Have?
You Are 60% Psychic
You are pretty psychic.
While you aren't Miss Cleo, you've got a little ESP going on.
And although you're sometimes off on your predictions...
You're more often right than wrong
So go with your instincts - you know more than you think Are You Psychic?


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What "Flavor of Love2" girl are you??

your Deelishis
your sexxii, and very nice untill some one gets on your nerves. Also you are very romantic and loved to be treated like a real woman!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com
Your Attitude is Better than 60% of the Population
You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you. How's Your Attitude?


Top 12 Friends
Who are your Top 12 Friends?
#1: smokey
#2: ashley
#3: tom
#4: tamar
#5: peaches
#6: cammeron
#7: charlise
#8: asia
#9: marti
#10: teara
#11: katelyn
#12: mechelle
Now the fun part:
Do you hate #3?: sometimes
Who's myspace is the best?: i dunno
How often do you talk to #5?: all the time
Is #6 single?: i think so
Have you ever hit #7?: yeah
Is #8 wild?: hell yeah
How long have you known #9?: for a very long time
Have you ever lived with #10?: no
Did you know #11 before myspace?: yeah
Is #12 cute?: i dunno
Who is #11 dating?: nobody i dont think
When did you see #3 last?: graduation
What do you really think of #10?: shes crazy
How did you meet #6?: we went to school toegther
Have you ever worked with #4?: um after school yeah
Are you and #2 close?: yeah
Say one nice thing about #8?: she was really cool
When is #1's birthday?: june 12
Who knows the most about you?: they all do
Would you ever kiss #3?: im not tellin
Does #5 go out a lot?: yeah
Ever been drunk with #7?: nope
Has #1 ever been in your car?: yeah
Is anyone in a band?: i dunno
Who has the most kids?: #1
Who's the shortest?: katelyn
Who's #1's best friend?: i m not forsure but i think #2
Have you met all of your top 12?: yeah
Is #9 funny?: yeah
Who was the last top 12 friend you talked to?: #5
Who was the last to see you?: #8
Why are you friends with #12?: cuz we all went to school together
Where does #10 live?: i dunno
Who have you known the longest?: i dunno theres a tie
When will you see #11 next?: maybe on are way to school
Who is the most blonde?: #11
Have #4 and #7 met?: yeah
What about #2 and #11?: yeah
Does everybody have jobs?: i dunno
Is anyone pregnant?: i dunno i dont think so
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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: ashley janay chandler
Birthday:: 1/10
Birthplace:: b-lo
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: black rotts blonde tips
Height:: 5'4
Weight:: 132
Right handed or Left handed?: right
Your Heritage:: mixed
My Worst Habit:: bitting my tongue
Zodiac Sign:: capricorn
Shoe Size:: 10
Pants Size:: none of your
Innie or Outie?: outie
Parents Still Together?: nope
The Shoes You Wore Today:: k-swiss
Your Weakness:: very active boys
Your Fears:: i dont no at this moment
Your Perfect Pizza:: just cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: i have so many
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:: i dont wanna go to school
Your Best Physical Feature:: i dunno
Your Bedtime:: when i want 2
Your Most Missed Memory:: grade school
Favorite color?: dont have one
Food?: dont have one
Sport?: i like all sports
Animal?: dont like animals
Ice Cream?: vanilla
Candy?: dont have one
Store?: as long have they have stuff i like
Salad Dressing?: ranch
Actor?: robert de niro
Song?: i have a lot
Letter?: there so many
Number?: 6
Gum?: nothing sour
Holiday?: my birthday
Season?: summer
Toothpaste Flavor?: lemon
Radio Station?: 93.7
Perfume?: n2u,xoxo
Scent besides perfume?: nothin
Body part on the opposite sex?: lol what do you think
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: i dunno undecided
How Do You Want To Die?: i dunno hopefully peaceful
Turn ons:: theres a lot
Turn offs:: theres a lot
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: peaches
Who's The Loudest?: briana,peaches
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: they all do
Who Have You Known The Longest?: i known them all for a long time
Who's The Shyist?: mechelle
When Have You Cried The Most?: last year
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: i dunno it hasnt happend yet
Worst Feeling?: cramps
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: in the city or suburbs
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: how big my damn feet are cuz i can never find the shoes i want
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: i duno
Let's walk on the: dangerious side
Let's look at the: bright side
What a nice: day
Where did all the: boys go??{lol}
Why can't we: get a long
Silly, little: bitchies
Isn't it weird that: i just said that
Never under any circumstance: will i .......
I wish:
Everyone has a: meaning
I am: someone
Been In Love?: yup
Been To Juvie?: nope
Mooned Someone?: yup
Been Rejected?: explain rejection
Ran Away From Home?: no my mama would beat my ass
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: of course
Skipped School?: no
Thought About Suicide?: maybe maybe not
Slept Outside?: define outside
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: all the time
Cried In School?: yup
Thrown Up In School?: yup
Wanted To Be a Model?: yup
Cheated On Someone?: not and never will
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: yeah
Seen A Dead Body?: nope
Been Bitched Out?: im confused
Drank Alcohol?: maybe maybe not
Smoked?: nope
Been On Drugs?: nope
Eaten Sushi?: nope
Been On Stage?: define stage lol
Gone Skinny Dipping?: nope that wuld be something i would wanna try
Shoplifted?: nope and never will
Been Drunk?: i'm not tellin
Been Called A Tease?: LOTS OF TIMES
Been Beaten Up?: nope
Swear?: hell yeah {lol} naw sometimes
Sing Well?: yeah if i try
Shower Daily?: yeah
Want To Go To College?: yup
Want To Get Married?: i dunno
Believe In Yourself?: yeah
Get Motion Sickness?: no
Think You Are Attractive?: yup
Get Along With Your Parents?: most of the time define get along w/them
Like Thunderstorms?: dont bother me
Play An Instrument?: i did
Own An IPOD?: dont like them
Pray?: sometimes
Go To Church?: sometimes
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: define stuffed animal
Keep A Journal/Diary?: no
Dance In The Rain?: maybe maybe not
Sing In The Shower?: yeah
Pepsi or Coke?: both
McDonald's or Burger King?: both
Single or Group Dates?: both
Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: both
TV or Movie?: both
Guitar or Drums?: both
Adidas or Nike?: nike
Chinese or Mexican?: both
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: honey nut cheerios
Cake or Pie?: neither
MTV or VH1?: both
Blind or Deaf?: neither
Boxers or Briefs?: bixers
Do The Splits?: if i try
Write With Both Hands?: if i try
Whistle?: not any more
Blow A Bubble?: yeah
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: no
Cross Your Eyes?: yeah
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: never tryed
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: no
Dance?: yeah
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: yeah
You Touched:: define touched
You Talked To On The Phone:: peach
You Instant Messaged:: briana L
You Hugged:: tom
You Yelled At:: everybody
You Played A Sport With:: la'quisha
Time You Laughed?: a sec.ago
Time You Cried?: i dont remeber
Movie You Watched?: last days of lisa "left eye" lopez
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: winter fresh
Joke You Told?: i cant remember
Song You've Sung?: ohohahah by :boysIImen
Where Are You?: computer room
What Can You See Out Your Window?: the ladie house next door
Are You Listening To Music?: yeah
What Are You Wearing?: hahahaha clothes
What's On Your Mousepad?: a cute dog
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: i dunno
Do you believe in miracles?: i dunno
Magic?: i dunno
Love at first sight?: hell yeah
God?: yeah
Satan?: yeah
Ghosts?: yeah
Santa?: no
Evolution?: yeah
Fav Eye Color:: as long as there cute
Fav Hair Color:: has to be done or something
Short or Long Hair:: both
Height:: tall
Weight:: not to skinny or fat
Best Clothing Style:: not looking a hot mess
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: brazil
Number Of CD's I Own:: a lot
Your Good Luck Charm:: my dad
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4
Do you drink milk?: no
Person You Hate Most:: i dont hate anyone im a loving person
Most Outdated Phrase:: i dunno
Do you think God has a gender?: no
Where do you think we go when we die?: heaven
How many rings until you answer the phone?: when they leave a message
What is something scientists need to invent?: um.. i dunno
Are you a health freak?: kind of
Are you a virgin?: maybe maybe not
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: to mars
What is the worst weather?: tornados
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: hell naw
How many grades have you failed?: none
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stuff (a pointless survey, but take it anyways, what have you got to lose? but your soul?!)
basics, i think
full name (first, middle, and last): ashley janay chandler
any nicknames? list them, dammit........: asher,er,sister franise
birthdate: january,10
where were you born? (if you know, dont ask how a person wouldn't know): b-low
height: 5'4
weight (get your ass on a scale if you don't know): 139
current hair color: brown
eye color: brown
blood type (if you don't know, either guess or say something random): B+
did you/do you go to school? if yes, what was your average GPA?: 3.0
any siblings? if yes, how many?: 3
got any tattoos? gonna get any/any more?: gonna get sum
got any piercings? gonna get any/any more?: i have 3 in each ear and tryin ti get sum more
and your hobbies are? (if you have any, that is....): swimming ,anything to get out the house
whats your race? (as in human, demon, etc. not ethnicity cause i dont care): mixed
.....got any pets? if yes, how many?: no
what country are you currently in?: untied states
color?: pink & black
song? if you have a specific favorite, that is....: i like a lot of songz
emotion?: ??????????
uhh....type of....dog?: i dont like them
type of cat?: i dont like them
animal?: ?????
food?: ?????
favorite profession?: i dont have one
restaurant?: road house
drink?: cherry pepsi,cherry coke
flower?: i dont have one
quote?: i have a lot
favorite anime? (if you even have one): i dont have one
season?: fall
country?: u.s.a
have you ever...
stolen anything?: nope
been drunk?: im not tellin
smoked?: im not tellin
been in love?: yeah
committed murder?: nope
cried in the rain?: yeah
been struck by lightning?: nope
run away from home and been gone for a long period of time?: nope
given a cop the middle finger?: nope
told a cop to fuck off?: nope
caused a car wreck/crash? (on purpose or by accident, it doesnt matter): nope
played strip poker with the opposite sex?: im not tellin
played strip poker with the opposite sex and lost?: im not tellin
hurt (emotionally) so bad that it felt like your heart had been massacred?: kind of
cut yourself on purpose?: nope
cut yourself on purpose just to see blood?: nope
tasted someone else's blood?: nope
shot someone?: nope
kissed someone?: im not tellin
kissed someone and felt sick to your stomach when remembering it later?: yup
had sex with someone of the opposite sex? (i have to ask): im not tellin
had sex with someone of the same sex? (im overly curious): hell no
called someone a bint?: what the hell is that
pushed someone into a lake or other body of water on purpose?: maybe
laughed so hard that your nose started bleeding?: nope
do you/can you...
can you make yourself cry?: yeah
do you smoke?: nope
do you drink?: once in a while
do you like bacon?: its iight
do you like the opposite sex, same sex, or both?: i like the opposite sex
do you....like school? if you ever went to school....: its iight
do you care?: sometimes
can you sing?: a lil
do you hate sleeping?: kind of
can you tell me where to find my sanity?: you'll have to look in side your self
This or That....(or both, or neither)
sake or whiskey: neither
diet or regular (as in pop/soda, numbnuts): regular
herbivore or carnivore:
life or death: LIFE
meat or tofu: meat
regular milk or soy milk (both are nasty to me): regular
death by your suicide or death by someone else's homicide: neither
soda or pop (how do you say it?): pop
tears of joy or tears of sorrow: tears of joy
day or night: both
black or white (trust me, they ARE colours): neither
decaf or espresso: espresso
would you rather....
follow the law or break the law?: i dunno
be a cop or be a criminal?: cop
live in the Sahara or live in Antarctica (with me)?: neither
have a label or tell those hypocritical bastards to fuck off and die?: have a label
live with michael jackson for the rest of your life or jump off a cliff?: michael jackson
be a homosexual or be a homophobe?: neither
be yourself or give up your identity to be "popular"?: be my self
eat a cooked cat or eat a cooked dog? (some countries do): none
sing in a church choir or sing with michael jackass, i mean, jackson?: i dunno
be crazy or be "normal"? (nothing is "normal", trust me on that): a lil of both
do the chicken dance or do the hokey-pokey? (you must choose one of them): hokey pokey
take a bath or take a shower?: both
eat deer jerky or eat beef jerky?: i dont like jerky
For or Against....
homosexuality (in general....): doesnt matter
war: i dunno
gay marriages: doesnt matter
politics: dont bother me
cheese flavored bacon: against
atheism: ??????
religion (another in general): doesnt matter
do you believe in....
yourself: sometimes
god: yeah
satan: yeah
heaven: yeah
hell: yeah
yin (to me, yin is the light but what ever it is to you, answer your way): either you or another person
yang (as before, to me the yang is the darker side, deal with my idiocy): which could be you or someone else
demons: yeah
angels: yeah
ghosts: yeah
the soul (NOT the spirit religious thingy, soul! your soul!! do ya?): i dunno
reincarnation: yeah
do you believe that....
human stupidity will be the end of the human race AND the world?: i dont believe it
world peace will ever happen?: i dunno
last questions....on stuff.....meh.....
are you misunderstood by humans?: um sometimes
are your views on life and shit like that darker than what society wishes?: um whatever
do you think that society can just go fuck itself to hell? (i sure do!): um sometimes
do you want me to shut the hell up?: um yeah
have i offended you yet?: no
do you think words can be bad? (curse words, i dont think words can be bad): yeah to some ppl
why are they always after me lucky charms? (lack of sleep has gotten to me): lol
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A Female Survey
This is mainly for females, but men if it applies to you, take it...
Do you wear shoes that are actually too small?: sometimes it depends on the shoe
Do you get up at least an hour early to get ready each day?: yup
Can you put on mascara with your mouth closed?: i dont wear make up
Do you remember your first love?: yeah
"First loves are never really over" Is this true for you?: true
Think of when you lost your virginity, what comes to mind?: um....... im not saying
Does your heart break easily?: not really
Do you think you pee more than men?: no
Have you ever wondered why men have nipples?: lol... yeah
When buying underwear, what type of cashier do you look for?: it doesnt matter
How many purses do you own?: i dont like purses but i own 3
Do you get a little too emotional that time of month?: a lil is not the word
What is your honest opinion about sex?: that you dont have to be in love but then again you do i dunno
Are you addicted to sex?: not really
How many tubes of lipstick do you own?: i dont wear make up /but i won lip gloss 5
Do you expect the man to pay for dates?: kind of
Do you prefer curling up on the couch watching tv or going out together?: it doesnt matter
Think of your X's. Would you take any of them back?: nope maybe one
Think of a cruel punishment for your last ex. Describe.: i dunno but it would be really mean
Do you want a diamond ring?: i already have one
Would you rather get flowers or a stuffed animal for Valentines Day?: awww!! stuffed animal
Do you enjoy cleaning house?: it doesnt matter
Do you like to cook?: its ok
Can you sew?:
Are you really feminine or a tom boy?: im like right on the fence of those 2
If someone showed up on an off day, what do they see you wearing?: i would have on some pant and a tee,or pj's
What is your average style?: i dunno
Do you like football?: its ok
Do you read steamy romance novels?: hell yeah
Do you think this survey was foofy or stupid?: it was iight
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What nike sneaker should you rock? by _*GrAnD_HuStLe*_
Favorite Color
Rap or Hip Hop
Whose your favorite rapper?
Favorite kind of clothing..
You should rock the...
What Is Your Wedding Ring? ?
You will have a white gold diamond ring, with the possibility of having more than one stunning band =] Lucky you.
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Your Birthdate: January 10
Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.
Your strength: Your ability to gain respect
Your weakness: Caring too much what others think
Your power color: Orange-red
Your power symbol: Letter X
Your power month: October What Does Your Birth Date Mean? ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Ultimate Girly Survey
xX. First Things First .Xx
You are a girl, right?: yes
So what's your name, then?: ashley
And you're how old?: 15
Where do you live?: none of ur
Are you seeing someone, or are you available?: i'm available
xX. So, Tell Me About Yourself .Xx
How tall are you?: 5'4
What do you weigh, if you don't mind my asking?: last time i checked 130
What would you consider your body type to be?: im have curves
What size do you wear?: 8
What size are your feet?: 10 SO I HAVE BIG FEET
How long is your hair?: when i get a perm ill tell you
And what color is it?: black at the roots and blonde to the end
Is it natural, or dyed?: dyed
Is it straight, curly, wavy, or something else altogether?: stright
And is it naturally that way, or made to do so?: i made it that way
What color are your eyes?: brown
If you chould change their color, what would they be?: hazel
Do you have freckles?: no
If you do, do you wish you didn't / If you don't, so you wish you did?: no
Do you wear glasses or contacts, or have you ever?: no
Do you, or have you ever had braces?: i have them now (pink)
xX. Getting Yourself Together .Xx
How long does it take you to shower?: 8 min
How long does it take you to pick an outfit and get dressed?: 10 min
Do you tend to co-ordinate your outfits carefully, or throw on whatever?: it depeds on how i feel
Matchy-matchy shoes and bags, or no?: with my shoes and beltand socks
xX. Get Your Game Face On .Xx
Do you wear foundation?: no
Do you wear bronzer?: no
How about blush?: no
Do you prefer lipstick, lipgloss, or both?: ipgloss
Do you wear eyeshadow, typically?: sometimes
What colors do you most often wear?: silver
Do you wear eyeliner?: sometimes
Basic black, or other colors?: black
How about mascara?: sometimes
Do you curl your eyelashes as well, or no?: no
How many coats of mascara do you usually apply?: just 1
Which make-up brands are your personal favorites?: max
And in total, how long does all this usually take?: 2 min for each eye
xX. Hairy Situation .Xx
Do you wash your hair daily?: only in the summer
Do you condition daily?: yup
Do you use a leave-in conditioner?: yup
What brand of shampoo do you use?: olive oil
How about your conditioner and/or leave-in?: olive oil
Do you tend to use specialty products?: no
What kinds? (Volumizing, Frizz-Minimizing, etc.): volumizing
Do you blow dry your hair regularly, or just air dry it?: air dry
Do you straighten it daily?: every 2 days
Do you ever curl it, or style it in any other way?: yup depends on how i feel
Do you, or have you ever dyed or highlighted your hair?: yup
From a bottle, or do you frequent the salon for that?: both
Do you have a lot of split ends?: not really
Do you cut your hair regularly to avoid split ends?: yup
How long does it take you to get your hair done on a regular day?: about 5 min
xX. Otherwise... .Xx
Do you take good care of your nails?: yup
Do you chew your nails at all?: no
Do you frequently wear nail polish?: i just started
Do you get manicures, or acrylics at all?: yes
Do you get pedicures?: o hell yeah
What nail polish brand is your favorite?: i dont have a favorite
What nail polish colors do you most wear?: the color to match my braces
Glitter - yes or no?: yeah
Do you wear perfume?: yeah
Do you have coordinating perfume-lotion-bodywash-etc. combos?: no i dont like the smell that much
What perfume do you wear?: n 2 u ,xoxo heart beat
Do you have many perfumes, or just one regular one?: many
If you have many, what are they?: i just told you
xX. Fashion .Xx
Are you a fan of high fashion?: yeah
What designer label/brand name is your favorite?: i like abcombie and fitch,all kinds
Do you often wear designer labels?: yeah
Do you own a designer bag?: i dont like bags
How about designer shades?: no
Do you think designer labels are for pretentious wannabes?: lol yeah
If you had to 'label' your sense of style, what would it be?: normal
Do you like wearing skirts and dresses?: yeah
Do you wear track pants with things written across the bum?: no
Shirts or shorts in the summer?: shirts
Jeans, or other pants?: jeans
Do you prefer heels or flats?: both
Do you wear sneakers, or fancy shoes regularly?: sneakers
Do you ever wear a hat?: no
What color(s) do you gravitate towards most?: a lot of pink
Do you consider yourself to be trendy?: half and half
What is your favorite trend at the moment?: pants with nice shirt and the shoes,socks,and belt to match
Do you wear cute socks, or just basic black/white ones?: socks
How do you feel about toe socks?: i dont like
Fishnet stockings, tacky or fabulous?: very ugly
Do you even say 'fabulous'?: no
xX. The Opposite Sex .Xx
Do you prefer guys to be older or younger?: older
By how many years?: atleast a couple of months or days but i'll take anything
What style do you like in a guy?: doesnt matter as long as he cute
Do you like guys refined, or a bit rough around the edges?: both
What eye colors do you most prefer in a guy?: pretty
How about their hair color? Any preference?: cute
Do you really believe the big-feet big-junk thing?: yes i do
Does a guy's looks mean a lot to you?: kind of
How about their personality?: yes
Would you date a not-so-good-looking guy who was a sweetie?: um... yah
How about a hottie that was kind of a jerk?: probably
What is an absolute deal-breaker when it comes to guys?: i dunno
Do you have any personal fetishes when it comes to guys?: yeah
What do you notice first in a guy?: there smile
If a guy leaves the toilet seat up, are you bothered?: yeah but i dont live with a guy who does that
Should a guy open doors and pull out chairs for a girl?: yes
Is it important that a guy is good with children?: even if he isn't that would be something we'll work on
Do you prefer long-term, or one-night kinda things?: lol i'm telling
A proper date, or just 'hanging out'?: hanging out
Do you enjoy double dating?: i never tried but i would like to
Do you date more than one guy at a time?: im not telling
xX. Go Towards The Light .Xx
We're finished! Was it good for you too?: um.. ehat ever
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TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: ashley Birthday: 1/10/1986 Birthplace: i dunno Current Location: b-low Eye Color: brown Hair Color: dark burgundy Height: ...
Posted by *~ash~* on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 08:19:00 PST