Adam profile picture


Have nothing, will travel.

About Me

In a nutshell:

Manager of Navar and IT professional by day, bartender, homeowner, armchair politician, and race car driver by night.

Buy Navar!

On MySpace:

I admire people who have a Top 4 instead of a Top 24. I like when things I do or say on MySpace get reactions out of people in real life. I'm also entertained by those who use their first and last names as their "myspace URL," and then set their profile to private.

Other Facts:

I cackle like Count Chocula, I have a cache of my own drunk dials that were forwarded back to me and saved as mp3's, I like girls with big noses, I don't like cheese or mayo and get annoyed when I'm asked why, you'll never see me post a bulletin, I can recite lines from Saved by the Bell and Seinfeld with stunning accuracy, I use the phrase "suck it" more than is socially acceptable, and I manage a kickass rock band.
Proof that I do in fact laugh like Count Chocula, and Tim might be prone to seizures:

My Interests

Music, politics, cars, light beer, learning, interacting, nutrition, travelling, living beyond my means

I'd like to meet:

Bill Clinton, Ashley Force, Ashlee Simpson (so I can question the nose job), {insert name of A&R agent for major record label here}


Eminem, Navar, Anna May, Deuce Hennessy, Green Day, Metallica, Leftover Crack....rock, hip-hop, etc.


Goodfellas, Godfather's I and II, Old School, Anchorman, Billy Madison, Casino, American Graffiti, 40 Year Old Virgin, Scarface, Wedding Crashers, Office Space


The IT Crowd, Anything on the Food Network, Driving Force, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, The Daily Show, Pinks!


This guy: