Two-Face profile picture


Let's flip for it.

About Me

I suffered from deep-seated psychological trauma resulting from years of repressing anger, and so I developed an alternate personality, known as "Big Bad Harv", who was as evil as my outer appearance was noble. This alternate would sometimes come out in the form of violent bursts of anger. Eventually, Gotham City crime boss Rupert Thorne got his hands on my psychological records and threatened to blackmail me with it. During an encounter with Thorne in a chemical plant, I lost his temper, putting my "Big Bad Harv" personality in control, and went on a violent rampage, which eventually resulted in a massive explosion in the plant. The explosion severely damaged the left side of my body, and the stress of the events left "Big Bad Harv" in largely permanent control of my personality. Later on, I created a third personality called "The Judge" that attempted to crush me.

My Interests

I feels as though this is the way I was meant to be, living in a world of chaos, without the order and justice I once upheld and believed in. My world revolves around chance, more importantly the flip of my coin. It is no ordinary coin as it is double sided, clean on one side, and covered by scars on the other. Every decision I make falls on the flip of my coin. It is a judge, jury and executioner. When the "Good Heads" turns up Harvey is in control. When it's "Bad Heads" however Two Face shines and becomes more dominant than Harvey can ever be

I'd like to meet:

The man behind the Mask. I would also like to get my hands on Ivy


Two Faced


Lord of Tthe Rings The Two Tower This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor


Two brothers


It takes Two