Jessi profile picture


Mrs. Captain Neb

About Me

Matthew And Lucas's Mommy I live in Utah and California, so my sons and I get to travel ALOT! I even took Matthew to Hawaii for a whole month last December! We do alot as a family. My family means everything to me! We just had our second son named Lucas, Mattie is a big brother now and he loves to help. My boys are the center of my life and I love being a mom.

My Interests

Watching my sons grow up and taking him on many vacations to experience the world!

I'd like to meet:

I already met him and married him!


Everything except for Captain Neb's singing!


Animated for Matthew! We never get to watch anything else anyways.


Cartoons for Matthew! Same as the movies. Matthew makes us watch Backyardigans!


Children's Books to Matthew! Because we can't watch TV.


My Mom!!! She's the one that noticed my tumor, and when the docs removed it they found out it was cancer! Mom saved my life! And she takes care of me and Matthew every time I go through my many cancer treatments!