大衛....데비드....デイヴィッド profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Name: David H. Johnson
Birthdate: 5-11-88
Birthplace: Montego Bay, Jamaica
Current Location: New York
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Same
Height: 5'6"or 5'8" I think
Weight: 132
Piercings: 1
Tatoos: Not yet
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Single
Overused Phraze: Fuck You
Food: Anything Edible
Candy: 3 Musketeers
Number: 4
Color: Black, Red,Green
Animal: Cat's & Wolve's
Drink: RootBeer
Alcohol Drink: Creamsicle,White Russian
Bagel: Plain w/ cream cheese or toasted w/ butter
Letter: None
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eye's
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: RootBeer
McDonalds or BurgerKing: KFC
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Hot
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Both Equaly
Kiss or Hug: Both Equaly
Dog or Cat: Cat
Rap or Punk: Both Equaly
Summer or Winter: Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary
Love or Money: If you go for 1 the other gets away so.......
Bedtime: When my eyes refuse to stay open
Most Missed Memory: I got bad memory so i cant really miss somethin if i cant remember it
Best phyiscal feature: Dont know dont care
First Thought Waking Up: Go back to sleep
Goal for this year: Do more of what i did last year
Best Friends: Deon,Vernon,Ellon,Terrell,Felix,John, the list goes on......
Weakness: Death.....
Fears: A world with no bacon lol
Heritage: Dear God....jes say im a mutt
Longest relationship: 3 yrs
Ever Drank: Yezzir
Ever Smoked: Yes
Pot: Yea
Ever been Drunk: Hellz yea
Ever been beaten up: Yep
Ever beaten someone up: Yep
Ever Shoplifted: Still do
Ever Skinny Dipped: 2x
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Stupid Question
Been Dumped Lately: Nope
Favorite Eye Color: Dont matter
Favorite Hair Color: Dont matter
Short or Long: Dont matter
Height: A little shorter then me, i dont mind if they're taller tho
Style: Any
Looks or Personality: Personality
Hot or Cute Yes
Drugs and Alcohol: Alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: In Between
Number of Regrets in the Past: 2
What country do you want to Visit: Japan
How do you want to Die: Dont care
Been to the Mall Lately: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: Very much so
Get along with your Parents: Sure
Health Freak: Nope
Do you think your Attractive: Sure
Believe in Yourself: Sure
Want to go to College: Yea
Do you Smoke: Used to
Do you Drink: Yes
Shower Daily: Yea
Been in Love: .......
Do you Sing: Get me drunk & yes I sing alot
Want to get Married: Not sure
Do you want Children: Same as above
Have your future kids names planned out: No
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Already lost it
Hate anyone: Yes
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful) Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Low
Level 7 (Violent) High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Very High
Take the Dante's Inferno Test
What kind of Muscle Car are You? (pics)

1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28
You are a 1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. You love your car....your friends love your car and thats whats most important to you! Your car really hauls ass! You feel bad that they aren't making Camaros anymore....but don't worry...cuz you know they'll be back!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com Your results:
You are The Joker The Joker 52% Mr. Freeze 51% Poison Ivy 49% Catwoman 48% Mystique 46% Magneto 44% Dr. Doom 42% Dark Phoenix 41% Riddler 40% Lex Luthor 39% Green Goblin 38% Juggernaut 38% Venom 38% Apocalypse 37% Two-Face 34% Kingpin 33% The Clown Prince of Crime. You are a brilliant mastermind but are criminally insane. You love to joke around while accomplishing the task at hand.
Click here to take the Supervillain Personality Quiz
What Kind Of Fighter Are You?
The Brawler You love to fight and you're damn good at it. While you don't have much technical skill when it comes to fighting, you know how to throw a punch and you know how to throw a punch hard and frankly, what else do you need? You're strong and your physical attributes are second to none in the categories of strength and toughness.
MySpace Quizzes

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone Take the quiz:
What Kind Of Weapon Are you?

You're the sword! Most definitely the most honorable and honest of weapons. You've been used for thousands of years to inflict pain and death on mankind. People see you as the most noble of weapons. Traditionally, you're the big brother of the gun. If a gun isn't available, a fighter will grab for you and try to take out their enemy. You're retired now, nobody really uses you in war, mankind has other... More disgusting methods now. You're good for a stab in the heart, the neck or the gut and everyone appreciates a death by a sword. The only people that use you anymore are either very stupid or very crazy. Murderer.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!



Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, MTV2


HAHAHAHA.......Thats Funny ..

My Blog

Man Rules

The Man Rules­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down         Finally , the guys' side of the story. ( I must admit, it's pretty good.) We alw...
Posted by '[....pDÜ....Ǥô£ÃÉ on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 12:46:00 PST

1st blog

Hmmmmmm.....Blogs....what shall i write about....lets start wit me...High, names David H. Johnson, if you dont know wat the h stands for then theres a reason y, anyways; i was born in Montego Bay jama...
Posted by '[....pDÜ....Ǥô£ÃÉ on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 10:41:00 PST