About Me
- NEWS -
Update 03-12-2008:
New gig planned:
Legion of the Damned, Sapiens End and Izegrim will be playing live in the Mezz in Breda on 15-05-2009
Update 08-01-2009:
Because of a work-related trip Marcel will be in China
during the Beverwijk and Amsterdam gigs
A replacement bassplayer is found in Patrick
( known for his duties in Prostitute Disfigurement )
Update 08-01-2009:
The recordings are finished and are being mixed and mastered.
They will be online as soon as possible...
Update 03-12-2008:
Sapiens End has booked 2 days at Uncle S recordings in Hilversum
on 11 & 12 December 2008
We will record 2 brand new songs that will be
used for promotional purepose and will be free for download
Update 03-12-2008:
New gig planned:
Sapiens End and NOX will be playing live in Amsterdam at the Cave on 22-02-2009
Update 01-05-2008:
We can play on a festival here in Holland but we need enough votes to play!!!
The site is in Dutch but how to vote is easy and speaks for it self !
Please vote here:
Update 01-05-2008:
New show added :
Sapiens End will play in the Frontline in Gent, Belgium on 27-07-2008
With Serial Butcher + 6 more bands ( more info soon ! )
Sapiens End is currently rehearsing some new songs
and will be playing some of them live at the Frontline
Update 29-02-2008:
Demo Review www.metalfan.nl
Onder het zeespiegelniveau is de bodem inzake deathmetal bijzonder vruchtbaar,
zo is de afgelopen jaren wel gebleken. Hoewel meer dan de helft van ons landoppervlak
in feite verzuipt, houden steeds meer een meer bands het hooft boven water.
Voor Sapiens End lijkt het watertrappelen nu ook eindelijk te zijn afgelopen.
Na een stroeve start met de nodige line-up wisselingen klimt de band met de
demo To Be Raped Amongst Zombies op de welverdiende droge kluit.
Nu veel gevestigde namen uit de kadaverindustrie de smaak van nuance en een
frisse twist te pakken hebben, neemt Sapiens End de vlag stilletjes over.
De honger naar rottende ingewanden is daar nog lang niet gestild en zo doet
de klassiek lompe deathmetal het bloed weer ouderwets opspatten.
Dit is deathmetal waar deathmetal ooit zo controversieel mee is geworden.
Bruut gebeuk, massief geluid, een log dreunende bas en uiteraard ziekelijk
strotgeweld, in het geval van Sapiens End goed voor een interactie tussen de
onmisbare putgrunt en een verkouden speenvarken.
No nonsense deathmetal van de eerste uren.
To Be Raped Amongst Zombies neemt u, dankzij de strakke aaneenschakeling
van de traditionele ingrediënten, succesvol mee naar de roots van de brute death
en ook de nostalgische zombies rukken weer op.
Met de zes demotracks verzorgt de band een uitstekend buffet van kannibalistische
amuses, kortom, op muzikaal vlak zit het allemaal wel goed.
Let the killing begin!
1. Ripped Into Pieces
2. To Be Raped Amongst Zombies
3. Hidiously Deformed
4. Skin Turning Blue
5. Basement Filled With Limbs
6. Chronicles Of Mutilation
7. Ripped Into Pieces (videotrack)
Reviewer: Lana
Toegevoegd: 28 februari 2008
Update 13-02-2008:
Huge update in our merchandise section ! visit our website !
Update 21-01-2008:
Review posted:
Although Sapiens End is already around since 2003 "To be raped amongst zombies"
is their first release. The band plays brutal death/grind which sounds as a blend of old
school heroes Dismember and the new generation brutal brats of Prostitute
Disfigurement. After a short intro hell breaks loose. Great downtuned raw guitars, a
thundering bass and hard-hitted drums that sound as a tight drum bombardment get
you by the balls. And than you have the vocals, man these are severe and really sick.
From filthy pig screams to guttural growls. The man behind the mic must be a real
animal, the way I love it the most in this brutal shit. The first 3 songs are the actual
demo, these are professionally recorded. Power, filth and brutality really hit you right
between the eyes. Still they don’t reduce to chaos, in fact they translate all energy in
a catchy and dynamic order. Track 3-6 are mixed and mastered rehearsals which
have a less sound quality, but are just as heavy as the first 3 tracks. Besides if you
put this demo in your computer you get a quite amusing video for "Ripped into pieces"
as an extra. Also the nice artwork and lay-out of the booklet and CD make this to a
buy of obligation for the brutal death metal freak.
Update 18-01-2008:
After a short december break Sapiens End is now rehearsing some new songs
We are looking for gigs, contact us here at MySpace or at our website !
Update 29-10-2007:
Live Brutality pics added to the MySpace photo gallery
Check m out !
Update 28-10-2007:
Live Brutality was very cool, check out the new and improved website
at www.SapiensEnd.com for pics of the Live Brutality gig
Update 26-10-2007:
The demo is finished ! Get your copy !
Update 19-10-2007:
The artwork is done and the demo will be available next week !
Update 24-08-2007:
The mixing and mastering is done, Benny did a good job...
The cover artwork is almost done and the demo will be available soon !
There are 2 songs of the demo online, check them out !
Update 18-08-2007:
Sapiens End has recorded the demo.
The mixing and mastering is almost done, we will post a song as soon as
possible !
Check back soon !!!
Update 07-05-2007:
Sapiens end will record a promo at the end of July.
There will be 2 versions, one for promotional use, containing 2 or 3 songs.
The other version will be a demo for sale, containing an intro and some
addtional rehearsal recordings.
Update 27-06-2007:
New pics of the Todo gig at the gallery
Check it out !!!
Update 23-06-2007:
Sapiens End has played it's first gig with Thomas and Marcel.
Some pics and a video will be online here soon, check www.SapiensEnd.com for pics...
Bram and Sapiens End decided to quit working together, Bram didn't have the time anymore
so this was better for both Bram as well as the band.
Sapiens End will not be searching for a new guitarplayer, but if someone crosses our path....
Who knows !
SAPIENS END was founded in September of 2003 after the split-up of
death metal band LIVID, wich featured Roger on guitar and Tony on drums.
Both still had the urge to create brutal death metal and started looking for
new members to complete the line up.
After a few rehearsals Bram was found and joined the band on lead guitar.
Roger knew that Ruud ( ex-DEPREDATION ) was looking for a new band and
asked him to join the band as a bassplayer.
A vocalist was found in the person of Ed and SAPIENS END was complete.
In 2006 bassplayer Ruud left the band due to several reasons that will not be discussed here...
A few moths of rehearsing without a bassplayer resulted in several new and better songs.
SAPIENS END still needed a new bassplayer and found one in Marcel ( ex-TOMBE )
Marcel picked up the songs very fast.
Late 2006 SAPIENS END decided to part ways with vocalist Ed.
A new frontman was found in Thomas ( ex- GRINDUSTRY )
Early 2007 Bram and Sapiens End decided to quit working together.
Bram didn't have the time anymore to put in 100% so this was
better for both Bram as well as the band.
Sapiens End will not be searching for a new guitarplayer, but
if someone crosses our path....
Who knows !
We are going on with the four of us and things are going very well !
The band has recorded a 3 track demo-cd on 26 and 27 of July 2007.
The recording, mixing and mastering was done by Benny of Prostitute Disfigurementand came out brutal !
Now Sapiens End is stronger than ever and wants to
hit the stage as often and as soon as possible !
THOMAS - Vocals
ROGER - Guitar
MARCEL - Bass Guitar
TONY - Drums
Visit the official website of SAPIENS END at: