Film, Animation, Homebrewing, Reading, Smootching, Guitar, Piano, Writing, Sculpture, Theater, Acting, Cigars, Traveling, Cooking, Running, Puppetry.
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Ennio Morricone, The Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir, Tom Waits, Phil Elverum, Sufjan Stevens, Thanksgiving, Dave Brubeck, The Only Children, ManMan, The Real Tuesday Weld, Alison Ranger and the like.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Fists of the White Lotus - The Last Picture Show - Once Upon a Time in The West - The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover - For a Few Dollars More - Dirty Harry - Gangs of New York - Dimensions of Dialogue
The Magic Roundabout - Danger Mouse - The Muppet Show - Dinosaucers - Fawlty Towers - Eureka's Castle
Currently Reading: The Complete Sherlock Holmes vol. 1
Blood Meridian - The Satanic Verses- Jurgen - Geek Love - Atlas Shrugged - Breakfast of Champs - Fear and Loathing - Norse Mythology - Alan Moore - Sam Kieth - Grant Morrison - Neil Weirdo - Azzarello