pia***jerico profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

...coLor piNk, j.Lo,,magazineS, sms, cHat, muSic, dancIng, ice cReam, Life, LOVE---thingS thaT i reaLLy like moSt!!! and ofcouRsE,,, KUMAIN!!! and all mY frienDs know tHat..Oh!!i HATE dogS, caTs and aNimals thAt biTe!!gRRR,,, fRiendLy and Easy to gEt aloNg witH (aHeM),, alThough moSt of the tiMe peopLe wh0 doeSnt kn0w me thAt muCh saY im maSUngit or mataRay.. buT tHey are s0000 wroNg aboUt thAt,, it juSt happeNs for tHose who juDge me witHoUt evEn trYing to gEt to kNow mE (sob,.,) DraMa Koh!!... But tHen i vaLue frienDshiP so muCh and thoSe i conSider fRienDs aRe sure eNough tHat u guys haVe a speCial pLace in my hEart.. iLL do antHin' i can if eVer you need me,,,;) umM whUt elSe,,, oh i loVe sinGing But singing hAtes me s00 muCh!! heheh... ,,, im tHe type of peRson who is vEry tranSparent... whUt u sEe is aLways whUt u gEt,,and mayBe that's thE reaSon why i got iNto some tRouble, hehehhh ako na miSmo nagpapahaMak sa saRili ko for teLLin' toooooooooo mucH and for bEing hoNest,,nahh but tHat's ok.. its Better to be honeSt in the fiRst plaCe riGht? ok,, eNuf fOr teLLin thingS 'Bout Me,., i gUess,. iTs beTTer to hEar it frOm thEm.,(my fRienDzz) cIao.,..

My Interests

music, dancing, fashion, sports, chatting and surfing over the net


rnb hip hop


little mermaid, sweet november, pretty woman, ocean's eleven, finding nemo, , , dame pang iba.., .


survivor, dawson's creek, mtv, myx


the purpose driven life