I am a full time wife and now mother. On, June 20th, 2007, I gave birth to a 7lb. 6oz, baby boy. I also work in surgery on a very part-time basis. I recently graduated nursing school, and I am very excited to begin a new chapter in my career life.
FUTURE: I hope to one day move to Montana (the Big Sky country). I would love to just sit by the fire with my husband, dog, and four children (dreaming here). I have always wanted four boys. Who knows why, but I do. I would also have horses and a few goats to go with my land in Montana. I just want to live a simple and active life. =)
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Turquoise swirl
Nurse's Prayer:Lord, please help me to bring comfort where there is pain, courage where there is fear, hope where there is despair, acceptance when the end is near and a touch gentle with tenderness, patience, and love.
As I dedicate my life today to the care of those who come my way, let me touch each one with healing hands and the gentle art for which I stand. Then tonight when day is done, let me rest in peace if I've helped just one.