ATTENTION:By clicking on that 'Add To Friends' button you are agreeing to the following TERMS OF MYSPACE FRIENDSHIP WITH Gooch1) No getting offended at any blatantly offensive comments I may leave2) No whining about me being too sarcastic, or I'll think you're an overly sensitive wanker3) No complaining about posted bulletins that feature bizarre, intriguing or little known bits of history.4) No 'Thanks for the add! Hugs!' pink glitter pictures. Posted comments will be:- funny - ass kissing - combative - insulting - inquisitive or laden with sexual innuendos ONLY.exceptions will be made for any comments that include 'You Rock!' 'Keep Rockin!' or any derivative of 'Rock' therein.exceptions will also be made for hotties who want to post pics of themselves because ..... just because5) No generic advertisements or band flyers. Gimme a personalized message if you want me to approve it. Something like 'Hey Gooch [insert comment spam here] .. You Rock Gooch!'.6) Your first comment, regardless of it's content, will act as your electronic signature that you do, in fact, agree to the above terms should such proof be needed in a court of law.7) You are welcome to make your own Terms of MySpace Friendship with me.8) No pointing out that only dorks make numbered lists on a myspace profile. The management is aware of this.Bah, nuts. I'm only playing. I don't bite. Hard. Unless you ask me to.