I like football yea my team is da redskins i cant stand dem damn cowboyz fans dey make me sick, basketball i like but i really aint got no favorite team but Allen Iverson yea boo i got u imma make u my baby daddy lol just joking , i go to church yea imma church gurl if u got a problem wit dat den i rebuke u in da name of Jesus! I like to shop spend my own money and otha people money gotta stay fly all da damn time u kno how i roll. I like music R&B and hip hop you kno gotta get low wit it pop it drop it it like its hot wiggle it wobble it shake it like a salt shaker all of dat and much much more.....hit me up on yahoo...dis_gurl_2_thick04@yahoo.com
I aint really on here to meet people to date im just on here to meet some friendz u feel me someone who is willing to hold a conversation or who wants to hang out and chill wheneva nothin serious. Everyone dat i meet has to b REAL i got no time fa FAKE ones oh no dat word aint in my vocabulary i pretty much just want to meet some friendz all u damn hataz yall dont phase me im still goin do me and most likely make it farther den all yall so yea dats bout it.....Get Your Own Voice Player Manage
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As i already mentioned i like R&b hip hop and Gospel...
Love and basketball, all of Tyler Perry movies, Best Men, Barbershop all of em, Friday all of dem, many many more just cant think of all of dem at da moment...
I dont watch dat much tv but most of da time when i do i listen to music videos i aint really got time fa tv .....
I dont read dat much but i will say dat dem Zane books is off da hook if u dont kno bout em den put it like dis LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX BABY LET'S TALK ABOUT U AND ME LET'S TALK BOUT ALL DA GOOD THANGS AND DA BAD THANGS DAT MAY BE LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX!!!
My first hero is my friend when i aint got no friendz my mom when i aint got no mom my dad when i aint got no dad my sister and my brother my uncle and my aunt...My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ cuz without him i would'nt b here on earth today i would'nt have da activity of my limbs and no breath in my body!! My mother i love her to death she dun taught me almost everythang i kno and yea believe or not she still teaching me ..my sister i love her too dats like my otha half we talk bout everythang ..my grandmotha all dat cooking dats y im so healthy and my grandfather R.I.P u alwayz will b my numba one man i love u and i miss u sooooo much !!