Hangin out w/ my brother BoB, anything we do can be fun. I also love baseball, be it watching it or attending games in person.
Anybody, I'm up to talk w/ anyone as long as you don't have severe mental issues. Oh and I also can't stand "fake" people, there's no time in life for unnecessary bullshit.
All kinds of stuff.
Man there are soooo many. I LOVE The Green Mile, Monsters Inc. is good, ummmm...Remember the Titans!!!! LOL and Desperado!!!!!
Best shows in the world are The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Winner, and Friends! Oh, lets not forget the best late night show...CoNaN!!!!
Well there's Hop on Pop, Marvin K. Mooney, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Green Eggs and Ham, and much much more. Basically the entire Dr.Suess collection, he's my favorite author and by far the most talented.
Someone I admire very much is the person who wrote this. You could find it in "The Big Book" under 'The Book of Robert,' it is a scripture that reads: "...and jesus said, 'on this day, I proclaim that the protein pump is my beverage of choice. Drink it wisely brothers and sisters. If taken for granted, you shall never see the beauty of what excretion should be.' and as Jesus said these words of wisdom the townspeople rejoiced and proclaimed Monday though Thursday protein pump day." For those who don't get it....too bad, it's an inside thing.