Beccy profile picture


06' NEW YEARS RESOLUTION NO.99: Create a myspace

About Me

Get Facebook! UPU finally subscribed!

MySpace profile was edited with Tower Codes

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Pompeyians, move yourselves to facebook NOW. Myspace is oldschool! Facebook is the way. Simplicity est key.Especially the JW4 lot. Yes, you! Your end of term pics await you! The pebbles!


My Blog

Hello, myspace

My god it's been ages since I've done anything to this site, which btw, is pretty much dead now that I've moved to facebook! The only reason I'm updating right now is because it is slightly more enter...
Posted by Beccy on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 08:02:00 PST

I'm not very ASIAN, but I still got Taiwan pride!!!

How Asian are you?scabbed off longa...seemed pretty funny/intersting :P[x] Are you Asian in the first place?[] Were you born in an Asian country?[x] Can you use chopsticks?[x] Have you taken Vietnames...
Posted by Beccy on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:58:00 PST