going to be stuck in vienna nearly throughout 2008 due to tax payments and change of job reducing my mobility.
so if you are in town feel free to contact me for a beer, or some more beers (or some wine for that matter) - or a little tour through the center or the central cemetary.
movie buffs, upcoming filmmakers, posadists, posadist aliens, punks, skunks, geselleans, people who speak grischun rumantsch, go players of my mediocre level, everyone mourning the slow death of irregular verbs in german and english, emma bonino, valentino rossi, osttirolers, slovaks, oiskins, redskins, vincent kartheiser, libertarians (no stalinists or rightwhing extremists using that cover please, thank you), wiccans, unitarian universalists, nestorians, goths, people with piercings, people with brandings, people into bodmod, stirnerists, crossdressers, transsexuals, russians, kazakhs, indonesians, grazers, metalers, slovenians, estonians, lithuanians, latvians, latverians, bulgarians, gareth gates, schilcherdrinkers, rockabillers, beerdrinking lads, esperantists, boyish girls and girly boys, persons in krachlederner, armenians, independence-minded anguilleans, jassers, alternativniks, preston, skaters, dreadheads, ukrainians, russians, anyone remembering carl amery and joerg mauthe, nice young romulans, nice young cardassians, gareth gates, xandir, leyermärker, . . .
no talibans, be they christian, muslim, jewish, hindu, animalrights, marxists, straight edge, etc.
someone who completes me is too much to ask for.
someone/people who/that make/s me (feel) less incomplete would do nicely. (thank you)