in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni profile picture

in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

schilcher. mawrud. adlerhof. ginger beer. barry lyndon. elchkritik. rust. magritte. thomas carlyle. ddr. hanuman. flensburger. dinsdale. orval. esperanto. edika. zentralfriedhof. paul goodman. twilight saloon. die hauspostille. leiden. yaji & kita. karela. finnish tango. faudel. curry. ars antiqua. chagall. klezmer. glamour. the devils dictionary. liwanzen. max goldt. graz. chocolate stout. chasing sheep is best left to sheperds. nunsexmonkrock. doris. die weltwoche. latex. sarongs. pygar. tumbleweed connection. haggis. bsl. sportklub. santo spirito (rupp). dandelion & burdock lemonade. der bluntschli. joerg mauthe. moving on. filmmuseum. perotinus. makruk. iskembe corbasi. strudelhofstiege. go. very. durian. humanism. romulus der grosze. miles smiles. alles ist vergiftet. palombella rossa. reflections on the revolution in france. posadas ufos. christian graz 1990. risotto nero. space boy. carl amery. the draughtmans contract. the internationale by billy bragg. smart export. ska. el greco. hollerkoch. rich. gamelan. garam masala. steirerjanker. beautiful boxer. faures requiem. data. zwanglerei. antimonopolistic hermeneutics. lingerie. the spectator. gundelrebe. innviertler blasmusik. breton cider. die heilige johanna der schlachthoefe. starship troopers. hare-niemeyer. koteletten. crowded house. cinestudio. barry goldwater. waltz from shostakovichs jazz suit. strukturwixen. leopold kohr. missa notre dame. verwunschen. hsg. herbst in der grossen orange. erko. rodenbach kriek. hemi. danny boy by connick jr. kulturpesssimismus. sholay. the cloud messenger. hekate. next november. november song. vfslg 14035/1995. smoked slovakian cheese. music for queen mary. sick of it. krugerhof 86-89. liebe luxus kapitalismus. the brutal mood change at the end of the dead. noserings. zubr. 2nd set from bruckners 7th. waldmeister. schnaitl. odo marquard. classic tex avery. vereinsberg. pierre et gilles. kieler sprotten. die acht gesichter am biwasee. flagstad as dido. generation kreisky. ontological anarchy. tt. the flying spaghetti monster. the mother and the children at the end of serkalo. schlankerle rauchbier. tom schilling in tight jeans. turkish rock. armenian brandy. polish sausages. japanese jazz. namedropping. the mikado. bla. bla. bla.
socially libertarian. economically gesellean.
unitarian universalist (still sorting things out, i just have a feeling something is indeed out there). surely not going to lecture anyone about something i have no idea of. the uu declaration of princples is something i can sign.
currently you could say i have some pastafarian inclinations; and i like hanuman and hekate.
liberal democrat (old school: freedom rights, due process, democratization; enough of an utopy as things are now).
cinephile, anglophile.
strongly advocating pure proportional representation.
some influences: bert brecht, friedrich duerrenmatt, peter greenaway, john stuart mill, ambrose bierce, takeshi kitano, michael nyman, monty python, max stirner, paul goodman, carl amery, joerg mauthe, camille paglia, leopold kohr, silvio gesell, robert nozick, popper-lynkeus, karl marx, ayn rand, edmund burke, socinius, robert heinlein, ali gronner, barry goldwater, jonathan swift, thomas carlyle, john shelby sponge, ..... (just started this list)
24.3.2006: jest heard cyndi laupers autocover of "she bop". what can i say? nearly totally beyond comment.
30.3.2006: flaming lips video "the yeah yeah yeah song" - yeah
not vegan, though i like and respect the concept (but lamb, horse and goat are too delicious, sorry). with the worlds ability to feed 12 billion people everyone dying of starvation now is murdered.
"zukunft braucht herkunft" - odo marquard
"and i thank you for the items that you sent me, the monkey and the plywood violin. i practised every night and now i m ready. first we take manhattan, then we take berlin" - leonard cohen (first we take manhattan)
"communication is the problem to the answer" 10cc (the things we do for love)
13th of june: finally saw bianca from moretti. great. recommended.
has the person who instead platinum gwen placed some "mary-jane" into "spiderman 1" been held responsible?
di 19.12.2006: nothung 14035/1995 ist zerbrochen
i like slim bald girls. yes i do.
"es gibt kein richtiges leben im falschen". adorno
"there is no thing like a society." maggie
"one day the last portrait of rembrandt and the last bar of mozart will have ceased to be – though possibly a colored canvas and a sheet of notes will remain – because the last eye and the last ear accessible to their message will have gone." oswald spengler
"outside a dog, a book is a man..s best fried. inside a dog it..s too dark to read." groucho marx
"on every day man shall leave egypt." from the chassidic stories of buber
.. ..
.. ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

going to be stuck in vienna nearly throughout 2008 due to tax payments and change of job reducing my mobility.
so if you are in town feel free to contact me for a beer, or some more beers (or some wine for that matter) - or a little tour through the center or the central cemetary.

movie buffs, upcoming filmmakers, posadists, posadist aliens, punks, skunks, geselleans, people who speak grischun rumantsch, go players of my mediocre level, everyone mourning the slow death of irregular verbs in german and english, emma bonino, valentino rossi, osttirolers, slovaks, oiskins, redskins, vincent kartheiser, libertarians (no stalinists or rightwhing extremists using that cover please, thank you), wiccans, unitarian universalists, nestorians, goths, people with piercings, people with brandings, people into bodmod, stirnerists, crossdressers, transsexuals, russians, kazakhs, indonesians, grazers, metalers, slovenians, estonians, lithuanians, latvians, latverians, bulgarians, gareth gates, schilcherdrinkers, rockabillers, beerdrinking lads, esperantists, boyish girls and girly boys, persons in krachlederner, armenians, independence-minded anguilleans, jassers, alternativniks, preston, skaters, dreadheads, ukrainians, russians, anyone remembering carl amery and joerg mauthe, nice young romulans, nice young cardassians, gareth gates, xandir, leyermärker, . . .

no talibans, be they christian, muslim, jewish, hindu, animalrights, marxists, straight edge, etc.


someone who completes me is too much to ask for.
someone/people who/that make/s me (feel) less incomplete would do nicely. (thank you)

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