Travel, cricket, rugby, clubbing, diving, reading, playing chess, swimming, drinking beer, teasing Christians (well one, and he's a friend, and fuck it, he believes I'm going to hell anyway!)
Song writers and bong lighters.Free thinkers and wine drinkers (pee drinkers would have gone better there but I'm not so keen on them!)Anyone who genuinely believes that they have been abducted by aliens.People who pronounce specific as pacific - fucking cracks me up for some reason.The leader on the Illuminati (if he(/she!) does exist...Ghandi. Axel Rose. Axel Foley. In fact, anyone named Axel.Headonists, people who can spell headonists properly, Mr Shake Hands Man, Derren Brown, Silverback Gorillas in the Rawandian rainforest, Osama Bin Laden (gee I'd love to pick his brain).
Mainly hip hop, breakbeat, and electronic, though I like anything if it's good. 2 MANY DJ'S!-So fucking good I can listen to their live mixes all night long! I like Freeform Five, James Lavelle, Plumb DJ's, Scratch Perverts, DJ Format, Erol Alkan, Mr Scruff, Unkle, and the baby jesus. What else, what else......fuck it, can't be arsed writing any more. Lenny Kravitz said it best - "There are two types of music; good music, and bad music". Shot Lenny! Pity you make bad music though :P
Does no one else think that this it's about the most boring fucking thing in the world when people (admittedly mainly dudes) talk about movies that they've seen that they either liked or didn't like?!! Ever been there? Awkwardly standing about in a circle (or possibly a semi circle) while some fucktard is talking about his favourite part in Bladerunner?!!!! Honestly, who gives a flying fuck!!!!!Amelie is pretty good though. Did you see that bit when....
Peep Show (the best programme on earth!), Trailor Park Boys, The Office (British version of course!), Extras, The Green Wing, The Simpsons, Southpark, Family Guy, The Thick Of It.I fucking hate Lost but can't seem to stop watching it. Anyone else afflicted with this condition???
Ian Banks; Complicity, The Wasp Factory, The Crow Road, The Business.Another Roadside Attraction, McCarthy's Bar, L.O.T.R's books, Playing The Moldovan's At Tennis, Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them, Mr Nice (made me want to become a smuggler), Birdy, Animal Farm (there's a fable in there), 1984. Reading a book on body language atm. It's so fucking interesting. Seriously, you can sit at a train station with nothing to do and still be entertained watching how people talk without talking. Seriously, most girls on myspace are so fucking keen on me - you can see from their body language in their profile pics! I also read a lot facist propaganda from the 30's. It started out as a laugh but the more I read the more I feel myself nodding along...
My mum.