Member Since: 21/01/2006
Band Website: not yet
Band Members: Captain Psycho: guitars, bass, throat!!!Mortimer Rotten: drums and noises!!!Jebediah Jesushunter: Morality and political correctness officer!!!Candilip Spoogeholic: Online "services"!!!Bucktooth McCoy: Our only fan
Influences: PTSD,
Nightmare Noise Machine,
old and new schools of death, black, grind, thrash,crust, industrial, noise. Comedians like George Carlin, Mitch Hedburg, Chris Rock, Jon Stewart who speak truth among the laughs.
George W (couldn't do it without you big guy)
Any other tragic political fuckup. Remember, if they want the job, then they are probably not qualified!
Sounds Like: Shit. Utter shit. And yet... more like Shit with a purpose.
Record Label: we don't need no stinkin record label. No, wait...