.... ..Hi, my name is Meredith and I enjoy life.
I am a woman, and I am damn proud to be one. I am a feminist. I am an activist. I am a nurturer. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and everyone that comes into your life has a purpose. Listen to them. ..Learn from them... I am shy, but not with laughter. I laugh really loud. Its how you know youve made me truly happy at my core. I am an artist. I am a painter. I photograph life. I am one with nature. Trees and grass and flowers and fields and mountains act as a sponge and absorb my soul, rescuing me from the bitter reality that is constantly around us.
When I die, trees will sprout from my limbs with vibrant greens and reds and the sun will shine through the branches illuminating my body. The wind will softly whisk through the leaves; they will fall, covering my aging corpse. The roots will spread far and wide and vast. Animals will feed on the plush grass that has grown from my shade. Blue sky will shed soft rain and I will continue to flourish until the end of time.
I am passionate.
I love music. I love new music and old music- music that has been around but not yet graced my ears. I love music that causes life around you to sort of move to its beat as you drive. As if you are trapped in one of those perfectly planned movie moments. As if this song was meant to be for that moment. I love the simple things in life. Those are the most important. I love the way it smells right before it rains. It smells different in the fall than it does in the spring or summer. I love the sound of the leaves rustling as the wind violently passes over them. I love the way the seasons change. I love watching the leaves change on trees... From the pink and white blossoms in the spring, to greeen. And from green to vibrant orange, red, and yellow. Then they are BARE. Just sticks held together by a solid staff. Never failing to stand firm and keep their territory, though they have lost all of their shields. I love color. Rich, vibrant color. I love the many shades of green you find just walking the earth everyday. Look around next time. Its breathtaking. I am constantly inspired by what is around me, but do not take enough time to put the inspiration on canvas or paper. I love people and find the mind interesting, and never dull. I analyze. I believe that everybody is the way the are mostly due to some circumstance in their life that was out of their control. Whether it be the chemistry they were born with, or life experience forced upon them. People are the way they are for a reason. Excepting that will make life a lot easier, and help you understand why someone may hurt you or deceive you. I am incredibly indecisive. But, Im ok with that. I'd prefer not be around people that force themselves into constant turmoil and negativity. I understand that things go wrong, but why make it worse than it already is. Find the lesson in situations. Find the cure. The stop. The pause. I am an optimist. I am empathetic. Sometimes, I empathize too much, causing myself to live vicariously through others, though it may damage my own soul. I truly feel pain, heartache, happiness for people. I understand people somehow... And am enlightened every day by the way people think and feel. We are all so different.
And life is beautiful.